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second proposal for inter-word spaces

From: Mike Dowling
Subject: second proposal for inter-word spaces
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 96 12:44 MET

>>> On Sun, 25 Feb 1996 12:44:10 +1000, address@hidden (Jeff Kingston) said:

Jeff> I've come to believe that introducing clever new ways to solve this
Jeff> problem is probably not a good idea, for the following reasons:

Jeff> (1) We are in danger of creating a Tower of Babel here, with everyone
Jeff> using slightly different settings;
Jeff>      lout @Space Treat white space the way Lout does now

Jeff>      troff @Space Treat white space the way troff does

Jeff>      tex @Space Treat white space the way TeX does

It seems to me that this is tantemount to doing precisely what was to be
avoided; creating a tower of babel.  This introduces three dialects of lout
while still not addressing the original problem.  He who chooses the first
option will still be getting spaces after punctuation that depend on the
vagaries of the text editor.  The emacs format-paragraph will generally clean
away trainilg blanks, while other editors that I have used in the past didn't
even offer the possibility of customisation.

        Mike Dowling

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