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Re: Re: The @ChapterGap parameter

From: Jeffrey Howard Kingston
Subject: Re: Re: The @ChapterGap parameter
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 10:53:50 +0100

> But, is it  possible to retype the "bookf" with the "@ChapterGap"
> in the wayf it does not make any form feed ?  Could you send me an
> example?

Anything is possible in principle, but the trouble is there are so
many consequences.  There is a lot of code in there to implement
placing chapter starts onto odd pages vs. even pages, and then there
are assumptions in the running header code (I expect) that chapters
will begin on new pages.

The first step would be to replace line 1056 of file bookf, which is

    sendheader { @Full @Body }


    # sendheader { @Full @Body }

This will turn off the specific bit of code that sends the header
of the chapter off to a new full page.  But what the consequences
of doing that are I really can't predict.

I'm willing to add this feature (chapters following on the same
page from previous chapters) to my list of things to do for the
next release.  However, I can't give an absolute assurance that
I will succeed with it, because of the consequences I mentioned.


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