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Counters in Lout

From: Paul K. Efremov
Subject: Counters in Lout
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 22:14:31 +0400 (MSD)


One more beginner's question. Is there any easy way to program counters
in Lout, so that they'd work like those in LaTeX? For example,

\newcounter{h}      # New counter h, value 0

\newcommand{\h}[1]{\stepcounter{h} \theh. #1} 

\h{One} #  1. One
\h{Two} #  2. Two


Note that in LaTeX you can add arbitrary values to counters, and more
importantly, use them *in any place of the document* regardless of its
structure. In Expert's Guide there's only a @Next symbol (works by recursion
and galleys). The idea is to make a custom document structure. Maybe I
missed something, or do I have to use those galleys anyway?

Best regards,

Paul K. Efremov, Lipetsk, Russia

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