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Strange entry in index

From: Mark Christiaens
Subject: Strange entry in index
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 10:05:57 +0200 (MEST)

I have an index at the end of my Ph.D.  One entry is:

"data race 18 23, 41"

Notice that somehow there is no "," between 18 and 23.
I've looked up the three places where the indices are defined:

"@LP We are really dealing here with a race between @TE and @TT to enter
the mutex.  To indicate that this type of race, though non-deterministic,
is acceptable we introduce the notion of `data races' { data_race } @Index
{ data race } and `synchronization races' { synchronization_race } @Index
{ synchronization race}.  A synchronization race is a race between two
synchronization operations.  A synchronization race is considered
intentional and benign since it is using synchronization instructions that
were added to a processor architecture to enable synchronization between
processors using a weak memory consistency model.  A data race consists of
those accesses to the same memory region that are still not ordered, even
after adding an apparent order to reflect the usage of synchronization. "

"@LP Using these elements, we are ready to formally define a data race.
Two events, @eE and @eT, are involved in a address@hidden, @Eq {
@eE @DataRace @eT }, iff: { data_race } @Index { data race } "

"we can define a data race between two segments as: { data_race } @Index {
data race } "

I don't see anything special about the three index declerations that could
cause this behaviour.  Anybody have any ideas?



# Mark Christiaens
# address@hidden
# Engineer in the Computing Science
# St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
# B-9000 Gent
# tel.: 032 9 264 33 67
# Belgium
# Truth is stranger than fiction

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