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another problem...

From: David Kuehling
Subject: another problem...
Date: 10 Jul 2004 18:06:14 +0200


just another problem that I currently don't manage to circumvent:

Within one of the @ShadowBox'es, which I described in the previous mail,
I try to put an image side-by-side with some text.  Unfortunately, I
cannot use @Wide @Scale to make the image bigger than half of the width
of the @ShadowBox:

    { 12c @Wide @Scale @IncludeGraphic{ "plots/kkf-schema.eps" } }
    ||.5ce { some paragraphs of text... }

Even if I change this to 50c @Wide @Scale..., the output looks excactly
the same, and Lout does not output any kind of error or warning.  I get
the thing right, if I put @Wide in front of the text.  But why should
that be necessary?  And this is quite impractical, as manual calculation
of the actual available width is difficult with all the inside margin of
the @ShadowBox etc.

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