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Re: Font change wanted in table of contents

From: Barrie Stott
Subject: Re: Font change wanted in table of contents
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 15:29:34 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040722i

On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 08:04:07AM +1100, Jeff Kingston wrote:
> > My TOC comes out with a bold font and it seems a bit heavy. I would
> > like to use Base, or the style in the User Guide...
> This seems very odd, given that the style in the User Guide is
> the default.  As the comment beside the @ContentsFont option
> says, it affects the font of major entries only (i.e. parts and
> chapters, not sections).  Have you been fiddling with the source
> code of the standard packages?  Or is your previewer substituting
> a bold font for some reason?  Or have you set an unusual value
> for @InitialFont? (If so, switch backe to Times Base 12p as a
> first step to sorting out the problem.)
> Jeff

Thanks, Jeff, for the reply. I may have misled you in that I am using
an ordinary document rather than book or report. Your statement that
@ContentsFont affects parts and chapters rather than sections means
that I've been wrong in thinking that it would have any effect on my
TOC. With reference to your query, I've never changed source in
standard packages for the simple reason that I've never understood
them well enough to even contemplate doing so.

I've slimmed stuff down to get a small example which exhibits the poor
behaviour. The lout for my original document was automatically
produced and some of that is retained. The whole slimmed-down document
appears at the end of this email. I've set the title as Slope and the
Section head as Base so that there is no occurrence of Bold in the
document. My TOC is still bold though.

Assuming the example is in file test, I ran `lout -o x.ps test' to get
my bold TOC.

  @SysInclude { langdefs        } # language definitions
  @SysInclude { bsf             } # BasicSetup package
  @SysInclude { dsf             } # DocumentSetup package
  @SysInclude { docf            } # OrdinarySetup extension

@Use { @BasicSetup }
@Use { @DocumentSetup @MakeContents     { Yes } }
@Use { @OrdinarySetup }
@SysDatabase @FontDef  { fontdefs }               # font definitions
@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle }               # reference printing styles

@Doc @Text @Begin

clines @Break {
//0c {Slope 20p } @Font {Implementing software }

@LP @BeginSections @Section @Title address@hidden Base} @Font {The
Transfer of M"L/I" from Machine to Machine}} @Begin
In order to make it easier to transfer M"L/I" from machine to machine
most of the logic of M"L/I" has been coded in a `machine independent'
language which has been specially designed for the purpose. This
language is called L and is intended to have the following

@End @Section @EndSections 

@End @Text
# vim: ft=loutm4

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