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Symbol expansion in body Parameter

From: Volker Renneberg
Subject: Symbol expansion in body Parameter
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 15:55:11 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)


While doing some @Filter testing I ran into the following problem. My original intention was to remove parts of the @Label part of a @Reference via a sed-command. I successfully created such a definition using the @Filter symbol:

def @CiteRemoveYear
   body @Body
def @Filter { sed "'s/\\(.*\\)[0-9]\\{4\\}[a-z]\\{0,1\\}/\\1/g'" @FilterIn > @FilterOut }
#        def @Filter { cat @FilterIn >> testoutputfile }

The following application
   @CiteRemoveYear { Haase et al. 2007f }
produces the correct output
   Haase et al.

However, applications of the following format
   @CiteRemoveYear address@hidden&&haase2004 @Open address@hidden
do not work. Some debugging (see above commented line in the @Filer definition) showed that the body argument to @CiteRemoveYear is not begin expanded. This means, the string "@Reference&&haase2004 @Open address@hidden" is being sent to sed and not the actual @Label content.

So my question is whether symbol expansion can be enforced in the body parameter.


Volker Renneberg, Dipl.-Inform. (univ.)
Universität der Bundeswehr München * Fakultät für Informatik
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg * 85579 Neubiberg * Deutschland
Phone: +49 89 6004 3776 Fax: +49 89 6004 4447
Email: address@hidden Web: http://www.unibw.de/inf2/

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