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[lwip-users] Frequent window closing (zero window) when receiving MP3 st

From: Norbert Morawski
Subject: [lwip-users] Frequent window closing (zero window) when receiving MP3 stream
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 12:21:58 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.12.0


I'm not sure if this is a problem, but my MP3 radio streamer (lwip @ RP2040) frequently closes the window. This is caused by a initial inrush of data from the server, which pushes the window from 12kB to almost 0. Then it only oscillates between 0 and 4kB with a period of about 2 seconds.

Isn't there a way to prevent the initial depletion of window size? I'd be much comfortable if it'd oscillate around half of the window size. Changing window size didn't help. Current config is:
TCP_MSS                     1460
TCP_WND                    (8 * TCP_MSS) = 11680 bytes

The app ACKs data as it decodes the MP3 frames, which would be 2 fast calls to tcp_recved of around 400 bytes each 50 ms. Here are some images regarding the problem. A chart of advertised window size from lwip client to the server and a wireshark dump where initial 8 packets of size 87% of the window are received in about 0.2ms (https://imgur.com/gallery/TVVcTp2)

Or I have nothing to worry about and this is a normal TCP behavior?


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