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RE: LYNX-DEV error compiling 2-6 on Alpha 6.2h2

From: Brian Tillman, x8425
Subject: RE: LYNX-DEV error compiling 2-6 on Alpha 6.2h2
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 16:02:30 EDT

Teresa Beamer (address@hidden) writes:

>Trying to install lynx 2-6 on this alphastation. Getting the following error:
>$ cc [-.Implementation]HTTCP.c
>      struct timeval timeout;
>%CC-E-INCOMPNOLINK, In this declaration, "timeout" has no linkage and is of an 
>incomplete type.

This is, I believe, a problem in Multinet's headers and I think it's been 
discussed here before.  Check the archives to make sure.  The solution, if it 
the problem I think it is, is to get the fix from Cisco.
 Brian Tillman               | Internet: address@hidden
 Smiths Industries, Inc.     |           address@hidden
 4141 Eastern Ave., MS239    | Hey, I said this stuff myself.
 Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727 | My company has no part in it.
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