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Re: LYNX-DEV Lynx 2-6RP-color-Mb005

From: Rob Partington - Admin
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Lynx 2-6RP-color-Mb005
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 20:32:30 +0100 (BST)

JOHNLIM wrote:
> I'm no Unix expert, I collected this patch based on what I gleaned from
> other's patches and man pages, appreciate any feedback if it works/blows
> or whatever :)

There'll be binaries of linux-slang-color, linux-ncurses-color,
linux-slang-ucolor and linux-ncurses-ucolor up on
(-ucolor == Hiram's patch + my character styles patch) hopefully
tomorrow morning.

> For those who know how to interpret this, here's the error I got for
> 'make linux-slang-color' if I mix Rob's colour patch with Hiram's 22/10
> LYCurses.h...

You can correct this by inserting the line

 #define getyx(a,y,x) (y=SLsmg_get_row(),x=SLsmg_get_column())

just under the sl_suspend function in LYCurses.c

For those who don't want to do this by hand, here's a diff -c patch

*** LYCurses.c  Wed Oct 23 20:20:37 1996
--- LYC.c       Wed Oct 23 20:20:18 1996
*** 132,138 ****
  #endif /* !VMS */
- #define getyx(a,y,x) (y=SLsmg_get_row(),x=SLsmg_get_column())
  #endif /* USE_SLANG */

  #if defined(CS) || defined(SLCS)
--- 132,137 ----

Rob Partington / Netlink Sysadmin / address@hidden / 25y048d
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