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Re: LYNX-DEV Re: lynx 132 mode

Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Re: lynx 132 mode
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 22:11:58 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 31 Oct 1996, Foteos Macrides wrote:

> Darin Reid <address@hidden> wrote to me instead of lynx-dev:
> >Hi, is there anyway to force Lynx (2.6) to operate in 132 col mode?
> > 
> >I used to log on to my vms account, do a set width 132, then rlogin
> >to my AIX account and use lynx in 132 column mode (everything is formatted
> >for 132 columns, centering, wrapping, etc).  I lost my VAX account,
> >unfortunatley, so that method is out.
> > 
> >I'm on a vt220, but if I set it to 132 colums, before starting lynx, the
> >screen is 132, but lynx only uses the first 80 columns.
> > 
> >As far as I know there is, nor has there ever been a Unix command to set the 
> >operating width of your vt terminal...
>       Please use the address@hidden list for questions and discussion
> about Lynx.  I am CCing this reply to the list.
>       Lynx sizes the display based in the information it received about
> your screen width and height.  On VMS, your account undoubtedly was doing
> a SET TERM/INQUIRE to get it's information about your terminal from the
> terminal itself, which is most likely to be accurate (except for people
> using a crumby VTxxx emulator 8-).
>       The way it's done on Unix is highly variable, and someone on
> the list may have some good guesses about how you might help AIX to get
> it right.
>       You need not be subscribed to post messages to the list, and
> you can read replies via the archive, accessible via the online 'h'elp.
>                               Fote
> =========================================================================
>  Foteos Macrides            Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research
>  address@hidden         222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
> =========================================================================
> Fote is a great guy, right everyone?

you should probably try 'stty columns 132' and, depending on your shell,
either "setenv COLUMNS 132" or "COLUMNS=132;export COLUMNS"

--Elchonon             0 0
+---------------------  o  ------------------------------------------------+
|Elchonon Edelson      \_/                    <address@hidden> |
|                                                                          |
| Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance. |

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