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LYNX-DEV Thanks for answering a help question

From: Jim Spath (Webmaster Jim)
Subject: LYNX-DEV Thanks for answering a help question
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 1996 14:41:39 -0500 (EST)

.Dear Lynx User,
.Thank you for sending email to us about the Lynx World Wide Web browser. 
.The good news is that Lynx is being developed seperate from KU and there
.are ways to get help or to report problems.  Please go to the following
.URL to get the latest information on Lynx development as well as how to
.find help or submit bug reports.  Also included is how to get your hands
.on the newest versions of Lynx. 
.That URL is*)
.Michael Grobe               |.Manager, Distributed Computing Support
.Academic Computing Services |.The University of Kansas
.Lawrence, KS 66045

(*)  Thanks. Michael, for answering this message.  As you may be aware,
Lynx has been using as our home domain, and Subir is moving
his pages.  Perhaps future redirections could include: 

lynx pages:

lynx home:

X-Face: $[):DI3,{Z,[[9Gb^H.yPU[6-J}^Co2e-J!p*jQ>Q8++K~?Ejg~3#,vmYi;O8E55~r~#wa2
I don't speak (or work) for the Baltimore County Public Library.
They keep telling me, "Shhhhh!"

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