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Re: LYNX-DEV numbered linx: 2 suggestions

From: David Combs
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV numbered linx: 2 suggestions
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 06:29:03 -0800

> From address@hidden Wed Jan  8 22:15:50 1997
> From: Philip Webb <address@hidden>
> Subject: LYNX-DEV numbered linx: 2 suggestions
> 970101 Laura Eaves wrote
> > I have keypad_mode=LINKS_ARE_NUMBERED

> -- so do i: it's a boon!
> -- i suspect there is some idea out there that numbering links is for novices,

"... numbering links is for novices"???????

No, numbering links is for people who HATE having to use MICE and
(also) ARROW KEYS -- people who
want to keep their fingers on the HOME KEYS on the keyboard,
for "touch typing" -- WITHOUT having to (ever) MOVE the hand
from the keyboard and GROPE for the distant ARROW-KEYS.

And who like keeping their eyes fixed on the SCREEN, not searching
around for mice, arrow-keys, etc.

Also, you can WRITE DOWN (yes, by moving the hand) the NUMBERS
of the INTERESTING links, as you browse through a huge index,
and then merely type in those link numbers, WITHOUT having to
page backwards to the orig link.  Is much FASTER, EASIER,
user-FRIENDLIER this way, via numbers.

I really don't think that "novice" has anything to do with it.

I admit, I have met people who HATE line numbers.  I guess they
never used "ex" or "vi" WITH line numbers -- don't know how
much easier they can make doing certain operations.

Anyway, I think it is a more "religious" issue than "novice vs
advanced user" issue.

All I can say is that line numbers sure makes life easier for ME
(and yes I do use non line-number editors, eg emacs -- but I also
use vi/ex, and for that, WITH line-numbers turned ON).

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