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Re: LYNX-DEV blockquote behavior

From: Scott McGee (Personal)
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV blockquote behavior
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 18:42:04 -0700

Al Gilman replied to a post concerning nested <BLOCKQUOTE>'s. He went on to
mention using <UL> to acheive "tiered indenting".

I have a serious philisophical objection to using <UL> to acheive indenting.
If the stuff being placed in the <UL> context is not a list, it shouldn't be
marked as one! 

I would like to see Lynx do _something_ to differentiate nested 
<BLOCKQUOTES>'s, but don't necessarily think that it should treat them as
if they were <HANGING-INDENT> tags or some such. I think that a further
indentation of the left or of both margins is an effective and simple way
to indicate the nesting, but I am not married to that as the only or best

Please, however, whatever we do, lets not advocate mis-marking text as a
list to acheive indenting.

(Nothing personal Al, just didn't like your passing comment on <UL>.)


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