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LYNX-DEV LYmktime()

From: Drazen Kacar
Subject: LYNX-DEV LYmktime()
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 1997 22:38:42 +0100 (MET)

I was looking at LYmktime() and it can't handle some nasty formats that
Netscape can, which means that people won't notice that they are sending
something wrong. Below is atotm() function taken from the phttpd distribution. 
I didn't test Lynx with atotm(), but I think it can be a drop in
replacement for handling max-age format and Netscape's historical format.
Especially when someone bright uses Netscape format with max-age parameter. :)

Phttpd is distributed under GPL, so there shouldn't be problems with

/* atotm - converts a date in ASCII format to both a tm structure and   */
/* the time in seconds. Can be used to compare two times.               */
/*                                                                      */
/* Author: Marcus E. Hennecke <address@hidden>          */
/* Copyright (C) 1995 by Marcus E. Hennecke                             */
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or    */
/* (at your option) any later version.                                  */
/*                                                                      */
/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       */
/* GNU General Public License for more details.                         */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    */
/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software          */
/* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.            */
/*                                                                      */
/* This function is extremely liberal in what it accepts as date or     */
/* time. Essentially, it looks at certain patterns and tries to         */
/* interpret them in reasonable ways. For example, any string of        */
/* digits with one or two colons is a time of the format hh:mm or       */
/* hh:mm:ss (with at least one digit required for hh, mm, or ss). If    */
/* the seconds are omitted, they are assumed to be zero.                */
/* All numbers that are not part of a time are assumed to be part of a  */
/* date (i.e. either day, month, or year). Thus, there must be either   */
/* three such numbers or two such numbers and a month name. A month     */
/* name is a (possibly abbreviated to at least three characters)        */
/* English name of a month.                                             */

#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef SYSV
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE  (1==1)
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE (1==0)

static const char *days[] =
{ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
    "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"

struct month_t {
  const char *name;
  int length;

static const struct month_t months[] =
{ {"January", 31}, {"February", 28}, {"March", 31}, {"April", 30},
    {"May", 31}, {"June", 30}, {"July", 31}, {"August", 31},
    {"September", 30}, {"October", 31}, {"November", 30},
    {"December", 31}

int atotm(const char *date_str, struct tm *date)
  const char *token;
  int i, ch, len, tmp;
  int value, values[3], value_ctr;
  int colons, slashes, dashes;
  int date_values[3], date_ctr, mday, mon, year, yday, seconds, leapday;
  int safe_month = -1;
  int ispm = FALSE;
  int isam = FALSE;
  struct tm dummy;

  if ( date == NULL )
    date = &dummy;

  mon = 0;

  date->tm_sec = date->tm_min = date->tm_hour = date->tm_mday =
    date->tm_mon = date->tm_year = date->tm_wday = date->tm_yday =
      date->tm_isdst = -1;

  date_ctr = 0;
  while ( (ch = *date_str++) != '\0' ) {
    if ( !isalnum(ch) ) continue;

    if ( isdigit(ch) ) {        /* Is a number */

      /* Read in number and maybe following numbers */
      value = ch - '0';
      len = 1;
      value_ctr = colons = slashes = dashes = 0;
      ch = *date_str;
      while ( isdigit(ch) || ch == ':' || ch == '/' || ch == '-') {
        if ( isdigit(ch) ) {
          value = value*10 + ch - '0';
        } else {
          if ( value_ctr >= 2 ) return(-1);     /* Too many numbers */
          if ( len == 0 ) return(-1);           /* Empty number (e.g. --) */
          switch (ch) {
            case ':': colons++; break;
            case '/': slashes++; break;
            case '-': dashes++; break;
          values[value_ctr++] = value;
          value = len = 0;
        ch = *++date_str;
      if ( len )
        values[value_ctr] = value;

      /* Try to make sense of the numbers read. */
      if ( colons >= 1 ) {      /* Must have been time */
        if ( colons != value_ctr )
          return(-1);   /* Mixed colons, dashes, and/or slashes */
        if ( date->tm_hour >= 0 ) return(-1);   /* Two times */
        if ( values[0] >= 24 ) return(-1);
        date->tm_hour = values[0];
        if ( values[1] >= 60 ) return(-1);
        date->tm_min = values[1];
        if ( colons == 2 ) {
          if ( values[2] > 61 ) /* 61 to allow for leap seconds */
          date->tm_sec = values[2];
        } else
          date->tm_sec = 0;
      } else {                  /* Must have been date */
        if ( value_ctr == 2 ) { /* We have a complete date */
          if ( date_ctr > 0 ) return(-1);       /* Already had date */
          if ( slashes != 2 && dashes != 2 )
            return(-1);         /* Mixed slashes and dashes */
          date_values[0] = values[0];
          date_values[1] = values[1];
          date_values[2] = values[2];
          date_ctr = 3;
        } else if ( value_ctr == 0 ) {  /* Just one number */
          if ( date_ctr >= 3 ) return(-1);
          date_values[date_ctr++] = values[0];
        } else

    } else {                    /* Is a letter string */
      token = date_str - 1;     /* Remember starting position */
      while ( isalpha(*date_str++) ) ;  /* Skip letters */
      len = date_str - token;   /* Compute length */

      if ( len == 2 && token[1] == 'm' )
        if ( token[0] == 'p' )
          ispm = TRUE;
        else if ( token[0] == 'a' )
          isam = TRUE;

      if ( len < 3 ) continue;

      for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
        if ( !strncasecmp(token, days[i], len) )
          if ( date->tm_wday < 0 || date->tm_wday == i ) {
            date->tm_wday = i;
          } else
            return(-1);         /* More than one weekday */

      if ( i < 7 ) continue;
      for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
        if ( !strncasecmp(token, months[i].name, len) ) {
          if ( safe_month >= 0 && safe_month != i )
            return(-1);         /* More than one month */
          date->tm_mon = mon = safe_month = i;
      if ( i < 12 ) continue;

  /* If we didn't find a time, check out if maybe the date was only an */
  /* integer number (i.e. no month and no weekday and no more than one */
  /* number). If there was only one number, use it as number of */
  /* seconds and return immediately. Otherwise, report an error. */
  if ( date->tm_hour < 0 )      /* There was no time */
    if ( date_ctr == 1 && safe_month < 0 && date->tm_wday < 0 )

  if ( isam || ispm ) {
    if ( ispm && isam ) return(-1);
    if ( date->tm_hour >= 12 )
      date->tm_hour -= 12;
    if (ispm)
      date->tm_hour += 12;

  if ( safe_month >= 0 ) {
    if ( date_ctr < 2 ) return(-1);
    mday = date_values[0];
    year = date_values[1];
    if ( date_ctr == 3 )
      if        ( date_values[0] == safe_month ) {
        mday = date_values[1];
        year = date_values[2];
      } else if ( date_values[1] == safe_month )
        year = date_values[2];
    leapday = (mon == 1 && (year & 0x3) ? 0 : 1);
    if ( mday > months[mon].length+leapday &&
         year <= months[mon].length+leapday  ) {
      tmp = mday;
      mday = year;
      year = tmp;
    leapday = (mon == 1 && (year & 0x3) ? 0 : 1);
    if ( mday > months[mon].length+leapday ) return(-1);
  } else {
    if ( date_ctr != 3 ) return(-1);
    mon  = date_values[0] - 1;
    mday = date_values[1];
    year = date_values[2];

  if ( year >= 1900 ) year -= 1900;
  if ( year < 70 )    year += 100;

  date->tm_mday = mday;
  date->tm_mon  = mon;
  date->tm_year = year;

  yday = mday-1;
  for ( i = 0; i < mon; i++ ) yday += months[i].length;
  if ( mon > 1 && (year & 0x3) == 0 ) yday++;
  date->tm_yday = yday;

  seconds = year - 70;
  if ( seconds < 0 ) seconds += 100;
  seconds = seconds * 365 + (seconds+1)/4;
  seconds += yday;
  seconds *= 24*60*60;
  seconds += (date->tm_hour * 60 + date->tm_min) * 60 + date->tm_sec;

  return( seconds );

They work 24 hours a day and 256 days a year  --  address@hidden

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