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Re: LYNX-DEV Re: Win32 Lynx

From: Wayne Buttles
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Re: Win32 Lynx
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 13:42:17 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 15 Mar 1997, Hiram Lester, Jr. wrote:

> On Sat, 15 Mar 1997, Wayne Buttles wrote:
> > On Sat, 15 Mar 1997, Hiram Lester, Jr. wrote:
> > 
> > Ever look in the registry or win.ini?  Win95 doesn't actually use LFN's
> > itself.  It is too stupid :-(
> Chuckle... I presume this might actually be better in NT?  Maybe that's
> why I've read that if you upgrade from '95 to NT you must reinstall all of
> your software due to differences in the registry.

Hmm, maybe.  I only noticed it when I made a boo boo and sort of altered
my file structure and then nothing worked.  I hopped into the registry and
found it was because Win95 stores all associations as short file names.
This REALLY made me mad because if it used LFNs then I would have been

> > > Second: If a shortcut is dragged and dropped on the Lynx image, it
> > > actually opens the LNK file and not the target file.  Is this again a
> > > limitation of Console mode?
> > 
> > Look at it as a limitation to the method.  It is doing exactly what you
> > asked.  Lynx is not DDE enhanced so it just looks at the filename WIn95
> > gives it and goes.  Anyone know DDE programming?

Either DDE can be learned, or in the future I can look up the format of
.lnk and maybe use it as a redirect.  I will need help on that though
since that is getting deep into the nether land of lynx hacking.

Personally, I would really like non-blocking calls to work someday and I
have actually found example source for an IRC client that does some.  Now
I just gotta figure out what the heck it says. 

> > > ARGH, I still can't get Lynx to run my editor...

> > Whooooa.  What exactly are you trying to edit?

> That probably explains the miscommunication earlier on this.  I use E)dit
> when viewing a local HTML file to pull the current file into an editor,
> make changes, and then when I exit the editor, Lynx automatically reloads
> the page, and re-renders it.

Ah, I see.

> I'll bet it's due to the leading slash as I showed in my earlier
> message. 

You win the invisable t-shirt.  That is the problem.  Now to figure out
how to make that work at the same time as mail editing.


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