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Re: LYNX-DEV A request of sorts..

From: Hiram Lester, Jr.
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV A request of sorts..
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 01:35:17 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 21 Mar 1997, Scott McGee (Personal) wrote:

> In the case of your particular table, try padding each of the entries in the
> first (left most) column with   to an equal character length, and then
> it should look pretty decent.

I tried this in one of my earlier attempts, and sometimes it does strange
things to Netscape and IE.  They already have problems in some cases
determining the optimum size for some cells without confusing them further
with extraneous nbsp's.

> Another idea is to put each item inside a <P></P> (within the <TD></TD>) and
> let lynx thereby display it as a straight list.

For that particular page, I would actually suggest a similar strategy, but
use BR's at the end of the cells to produce the list rather than P's. 
It's a personal preference, but I think the P's put too much space in such
a list.  Check out for an example of
using BR's like that. 

> Finally, take a look at and see if you can
> use that method.

Nice, for a more complicated example, see  That page was a pain in the
butt, but it sure looks nice. :)

The only problem with this method is that the page won't validate under
any DTD (except maybe the Pro which is an amalgam of 3.0 and 3.2) since
TAB's only appear in 3.0, and TABLE's aren't in 3.0... sigh.  Which means
that technically Scott's marking of the above page with a 3.2 DOCTYPE is
incorrect. :)

   | Hiram W. Lester, Jr.               | E-Mail: address@hidden    |
   | Computer Science                   | Home page:                    |
   | Middle Tennessee State University  | |

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