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Re: LYNX-DEV patch-o-matic

From: Jim Spath (Webmaster Jim)
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV patch-o-matic
Date: Sun, 18 May 1997 10:26:37 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 18 May 1997, Jim Spath (Webmaster Jim) wrote:
> On Sun, 18 May 1997, Paulo JS Rodrigues wrote:
> > through Netscape it didn't work: I tried lynx after and found out why: you
> That's on my to-do list.  At first, I thought it would be amusing to
> have Netscape/Microsoft users be rejected the way many pages reject
> Lynx users...  But that makes patch-o-matic less useful.

Ok, I've modified the startup logic so that other browsers are
recognized.  I tested this from Netscape as well as Chimera.
The source is attached, for good measure.

Marvin the Paranoid Android says:
You realise this is going to be a complete waste of time don't you?

# patch-o-matic.cgi -- produce patch files automatically on request
# author: j.e. spath <address@hidden>
# tweaked: klaus weide
# last: Thu Apr  5
# Tue Apr  8 10:16:56 MDT 1997
# revised: Sun May 18 09:46:22 EDT 1997 : allow non-Lynx "agents"

use CGI ':standard';
use IPC::Open2;
use Symbol;

use sigtrap qw(stack-trace untrapped normal-signals error-signals);

# Changed location (testing new version) from: $PRCS='/usr/local/bin/prcs';
$LYNXDIRNAME='lynx2-7-1';  # called archdir in debit, lynxname in Lynx makefile



($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);

$default_patch_type = '-c';


if ( ! param() ) {
  # First time through

  # For now, set umask to 000 to prevent PRCS locking problems which may
  # occur in spite of the &check_locks locks - until a new version of prcs
  # gets installed that hopefully fixes the problems. - kw

  $level=`$PRCS info --repository=$REPO --force --revision=$REV@ $PROJECT`;
  ($a, $our_level, $c) = split / /, $level;

  # set the target for today:
  $our_level_prcs_major = $our_level;
  $our_level_prcs_major =~ s#(.+)\.\d+$#$1#;
  $our_level_prcs_minor = $our_level;
  $our_level_prcs_minor =~ s#.+\.(\d+)$#$1#;
  $prev_level_prcs_minor = $our_level_prcs_minor - 1;

  # Let's look for Lynxes we know
  $ua = user_agent();
  $_ = $ua;
  if (/^Lynx/) {
    ($lynx_ver) = split(' ', $ua); # only use first word
    $lynx_ver =~ s#Lynx/(.*)#$1#; # ..and of that, only the part after "Lynx/"
    $lynx_ver =~ s#\(.*$##; # ..and discard comments starting with '('
    $lynx_ver =~ s#-Styles$##; # ..and discard a possible "-Styles" suffix.

    $lynx_major = $lynx_ver;
    $lynx_major =~ s#(\d\D\d)(.*)#$1#;
    $lynx_minor = $lynx_ver;
    $lynx_minor =~ s#\d\D\d(.*)#$1#;

  } else {
    # !Lynx

# Show 'em what they got

  if ($lynx_major ne "") {
    print header(-vary=>'user-agent', -status=>'200 Welcome');
    print start_html(
      -title=>'Patch-O-Matic [TM]',
    print "<h1>Welcome Lynx $lynx_major User!</h1>";

    if ($lynx_major ne $MAJOR) {
          "<h2>You are running an older version of Lynx.</h2>\n";
          $old_level = "$our_level_prcs_major.$prev_level_prcs_minor";
      } elsif ($lynx_minor eq '') {
          "<h2>You have the base release.</h2>\n";
        $old_level = $BASE;    # repository name for original Lynx 2.7
        $default_patch_type = '-q'; # prevent excessive output by default
      } else {
          "<h2>Your current patch level is: $old_level</h2>\n";
  } else {
    print header(-vary=>'user-agent', -status=>'200 Welcome');
    print start_html(
      -title=>'Patch-O-Matic [TM]',
    print "<h1>Howdy Stranger [$ua User]!</h1>";
    print "<a href=\"\";>(Click 
Here For More Help)</a><br>";

    $old_level = $BASE;    # repository name for original Lynx 2.7
    $default_patch_type = '-q'; # prevent excessive output by default

# Say something helpful ("helpful")

        'This form can be used to obtain patches for  ',
        'the latest development version of <strong>Lynx</strong>, ',
        'the World Wide Web text browser. ',
        'If you wish the base release or other help, please visit ',
        '<a href="";></a>',
        "\n", p,
        "\n", p;

# Show 'em what we got

          "<h2>Our current patch level is: $our_level</h2>",
          "\n", br,
          'Patch from: ', textfield(-name=>'old_level', -default=>$old_level),
          "\n", br,
          'Patch to:   ',textfield(-name=>'new_level', -default=>$new_level),
          "\n", br,
          'Type of diff output: ',
          "\n", br,
             -values=>['-c', '-u', '-q'],
             -label=>[' Context \'-c\'', ' Unified \'-u\'', ' List filenames 
only \'-q\''],
             -labels=>{'-c'=>' Context \'-c\'', '-u'=>' Unified \'-u\'', 
'-q'=>' List filenames only \'-q\''},
          "\n", br,
          'Output compression: ', 
            -values=>['y', 'n'],
            -labels=>{'y'=>' Yes ', 'n'=>' No '},
          "\n", br,
          'Include new files: ', 
            -values=>['y', 'n'],
            -labels=>{'y'=>' Yes ', 'n'=>' No '},
          "\n", br,
          'List From patch level comments only: ', 
            -values=>['y', 'n'],
            -labels=>{'y'=>' Yes ', 'n'=>' No '},
          "\n", p, 
          "\n", br, 
          '[Lynx users can download with the <strong>d</strong> key on the 
submit button.]',

} else {
  # Not first time through; let's see what the variables are:


  # log it
  open (LOG, ">>$LOGFILE");
  print LOG "$year/$mon/$mday $hour:$min ";
  print LOG 
    'user_agent=', user_agent(),  ' ',
    'remote_host=', remote_host(), ' ',
    'client=', $client_level,  ' ',
    'server=', $server_level,  ' ',
    'diff_flags=', $diff_flags,  ' ',
    'compression=', $compression, ' ',
    'info_flag=', $info_flag, ' ',
    'new_flag=', $new_flag, ' ',

  if ($new_flag eq "y") {
    $new_option = "--new";
  } else {
    $new_option = "";

  # Security: check for shell spoofing characters
  "$PRCS$REPO$client_level$server_level$PROJECT" =~ /[<>|~#{}()&!`\\"'%\$]/ &&

  # For now, set umask to 000 to prevent PRCS locking problems which may
  # occur in spite of the &check_locks locks - until a new version of prcs
  # gets installed that hopefully fixes the problems. - kw

  if ($info_flag eq "y") {
    $result=`$PRCS info --long-format --force --repository=$REPO 
--revision=$client_level $LYNXDIRNAME/$PROJECT 2>/dev/null `;
    $prcs_status = ($? >> 8); # Hmmm; PP p134
    &exit_after_command_failure($? & 255, $result eq "")
        if ((! $prcs_status && $? & 255) || $result eq "");
    if ($prcs_status eq 0) {
      print header(-type=>'text/plain',
      print $result  or &exit_after_IO_failure("STDOUT", 'print $result', 0);
      &log_before_exit(__LINE__, $?, "none" ,"PRCS info OK");
    } else {
     print header(-type=>'text/html', -status=>'404 Pas trouvé');
     print "The program has failed.  We are very sorry.\n";
     &log_before_exit(__LINE__, $prcs_status, "(none)" ,"PRCS info failed");
  } else {
    # not info only
    # This is only for checking if everything is ok and whether there are
    # any differences; use -q to avoid excessive output here.
    # The $result variable will be used only if the user requested
    # patch_type is "-q".

    $result=`$PRCS diff --force $new_option --repository=$REPO 
--revision=$client_level --revision=$server_level  $LYNXDIRNAME/$PROJECT -- -q 
2>&1 `; 
    $prcs_status = ($? >> 8); # Hmmm; PP p134
    &exit_after_command_failure($? & 255, $result eq "")
        if ((! $prcs_status && $? & 255) || $result eq "");

  if ($prcs_status eq "0") {
    if ("$client_level$server_level" !~ /@/) { # normal case, no /@/in versions
        print header(-type=>'text/html', -status=>'400 You goofed...',
                     '-cache-control'=>'max-age=' . 24*3600);
    } else {
        print header(-type=>'text/html', -status=>'400 Makes not difference...',
    print hr;
    print "The patches coincide.  Please try again.\n";
    &log_before_exit(__LINE__, 400, "none", "No differences");
  # The good one:
  if ($prcs_status eq "1") {
      if ($diff_flags ne "-q") {
          if (!defined($op=open(PRCSPROC,"-|"))) { # open failed
              &exit_after_IO_failure("PRCSPROC", "open", 1);
          if (!$op) {           # Child process
              exec "$PRCS diff --force $new_option" .
                " --repository=$REPO" .
                " --revision=$client_level" .
                " --revision=$server_level" .
                " $LYNXDIRNAME/$PROJECT" .
                    ' -- ' . $diff_flags    or exit 1;
          } else {              # Our main process
              if ($compression eq "y") {
                  if (!defined($opgz=open(GZPROC,"|-"))) { # open failed
                      kill "INT", $op or kill 9, $op;
                      &exit_after_IO_failure("GZPROC", "open", 1);
                  if (!$opgz) {         # Compressor child process
                      exec '/usr/local/bin/gzip', '-'   or exit 77;
              if (!defined($opstrip=open(STRIPPROC,"|-"))) { # open failed
                  kill "INT", $op or kill 9, $op;
                  if ($compression eq "y") {
                      kill "INT", $opgz or kill 9, $opgz;
                  &exit_after_IO_failure("STRIPPROC", "open", 1);
              if (!$opstrip) {  # Child process
                  if ($compression eq "y") {
                      open(STDOUT, ">&GZPROC")
                          or &exit_after_IO_failure("GZPROC", "dup-open by 
child", 0);
                  exec "/home/kweide/bin/strip-prj-from-diff"
                      or exit 1;

              if (eof(PRCSPROC)) {
                  print header(-type=>'text/plain',
                               -status=>'500 Premature end of data'
                  kill "INT", $op or kill 9, $op;
                  kill "INT", $opstrip or kill 9, $opstrip;
                  if ($compression eq "y") {
                      kill "INT", $opgz or kill 9, $opgz;
                  &exit_after_IO_failure("PRCSPROC", "eof", 0);

              &print_header($compression, "$client_level$server_level");
              while (<PRCSPROC>) {
                  print STRIPPROC $_ or &exit_after_IO_failure("STRIPPROC", 
"print", 0);
              if (!(eof(PRCSPROC)) || ($? ne 256))  {
                  close PRCSPROC;
                  $problems = 1;
                  &log_before_exit(__LINE__, $?>>8, $? & 255, "...closed 
              if (!(close STRIPPROC) || $?)  {
                  &log_before_exit(__LINE__, $?>>8, $? & 255, "...closed 
                  $problems = 1;
              if ($compression eq "y" and !(close GZPROC) || $?)  {
                  $problems = 1;
                  &log_before_exit(__LINE__, $?>>8, $? & 255, "...closed 
              if ($problems) {
                  &log_before_exit(__LINE__, $?, $? & 255,"OK response sent but 
see above");
              } else {
                  &log_before_exit(__LINE__, 200, "none", "OK");
      if ($compression eq "y") {
          $WTR = gensym();
          $RDR = gensym();
          $pid = open2($RDR, $WTR, '/home/kweide/bin/strip-prj-from-diff | 
/usr/local/bin/gzip -');
          print $WTR $result;
          close ($WTR);
          &print_header($compression, "$client_level$server_level");

          while (<$RDR>) {
              if (!(print "$_")) {
                  kill "INT", $pid or kill 9, $pid;
                  &exit_after_IO_failure("STDOUT", "print", 0); 
          &log_before_exit(__LINE__, 200, "none" ,"Probably OK (gzipped info)");
      if ($compression eq "n") {
          &print_header($compression, "$client_level$server_level", 
          print $result;
          &log_before_exit(__LINE__, 200, "none", "Probably OK (info)");
  if ($prcs_status ge "2") {
        print header(-type=>'text/html', -status=>'404 Pas trouvé');
        print hr;
        print "The patch generation failed.  We are very sorry.\n";
#    print $result;
        print p;                        # What's this???
        &log_before_exit(__LINE__, $prcs_status, "none" ,"Not Found");
  } # end of "diff"
  close (LOG);
  exit 0;

sub print_header {
    my($compression, $check_for_at, $conlen) = @_;
    if ($conlen) {
        @conlen = ('-content-length', $conlen);
    if ($compression eq "y") {
        if ("$check_for_at" !~ /@/) { # normal case, no /@/in versions
            print header(-type=>'text/plain',
                         'file; filename="' . 
"lynx$client_level--$server_level" . '.diff.gz"',
                         '-cache-control'=>'max-age=' . 5*24*3600,
                         -etag=>'W/"' . "$client_level--$server_level" . '.gz"'
        } else { # don't cache, or not for long...
            print header(-type=>'text/plain',
                         'file; filename="' . 
"lynx$client_level--$server_level" . '.diff.gz"',
                         '-cache-control'=>'max-age=' . 5*60);
    } else {
        if ("$check_for_at" !~ /@/) { # normal case, no /@/in versions
            print header(-type=>'text/plain',
                         'file; filename="' . 
"lynx$client_level--$server_level" . '.diff"',
                         '-cache-control'=>'max-age=' . 5*24*3600,
                         -etag=>'W/"' . "$client_level--$server_level" . '"'
        } else { # don't cache, or not for long...
            print header(-type=>'text/plain', -pragma=>'no-cache',
                         'file; filename="' . 
"lynx$client_level--$server_level" . '.diff"',
                         '-cache-control'=>'max-age=' . 5*60);

sub shell_spoof_exit {
    print header('-content-length'=>0, -status=>'205 That won\'t work.',
    &log_before_exit(__LINE__, 205, "none", "Invalid special chars!");

sub log_before_exit {
    my($line, $status, $signal, $text) = @_;
  print LOG "$year/$mon/$mday $hour:$min ";
  print LOG 
    'user_agent=', user_agent(),  ' ',
    'remote_host=', remote_host(), ' ',
    'client=', $client_level,  ' ',
    'server=', $server_level,  ' ',
    'diff_flags=', $diff_flags,  ' ',
    'compression=', $compression, ' ',
    'info_flag=', $info_flag, ' ',
    'new_flag=', $new_flag, ' ',
    'END ',
    "line=$line ",
    "status=$status ",
    "signal?=$signal ",
sub exit_after_command_failure {
    my($signal, $empty) = @_;
    if ($signal || !$empty) {
        print header(
                     '-status'=>'500 Killed',
        print "Signal $signal.";
        &log_before_exit(__LINE__, 500, $signal, "Killed!");
    } else {
        print header(-type=>'text/plain', -status=>'404 Nicht gefunden');
        print "The program has failed to generate info, sorry.\n";
        &log_before_exit(__LINE__, 404, $signal, "No output from command.");
    exit 1;

sub exit_after_IO_failure {
    my($fd, $operation, $header_flag) = @_;
    if ($header_flag) {
        print header('-type'=>'text/plain',
                 '-status'=>'500 ' . $operation . " failed",
    } else {print "exit_after_IO_failure header would go here...............\n"}
    print "Internal error, sorry...\n\n  ",
          $operation . " on " . $fd . " failed.\n";
    &log_before_exit(__LINE__, 500, "(none)" , $operation . " on " . $fd . " 
    exit 1;

sub check_locks {
  $r_lock_dev = stat $LOCKDIRNAME.'/Lynx.readers';
  $w_lock_dev = stat $LOCKDIRNAME.'/Lynx.writers';
  if ($r_lock_dev eq 1 or $w_lock_dev eq 1) {
    print header(
      '-status'=>'409 Conflict with ongoing transaction.',
    print "We're sorry, but there is an ongoing transaction. \n",
      "Please try again in a few minutes. \n",
      "If you wish the base release or other help, please visit ",
      "<a href=\"\";></a>",
    exit 0;

  } else {
    # print "Proceed!\n";

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