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Re: LYNX-DEV Patch for DOS

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Patch for DOS
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 10:27:09 -0500 (CDT)

On Sat, 4 Oct 1997, Doug Kaufman wrote:

> The substitution of $HOME for ~ in file URL's wasn't working in the DOS
> port.  The following patch (against ac-0.73) fixes the problem.
>                                Doug

(I noted your later correction, it is in 2.7.1ac-0.76.)

There are other places where the DOSPATH code is
inconsistent.  Sometimes the result of Home_Dir() is fed to
HTDOS_wwwName() before using it as part of a URL (as I assume it should),
and sometimes it isn't.

In LYUtils.c around line 3882:
        } else
#endif /* DOSPATH */
        if (*old_string == '~') {
             *  On Unix, covert '~' to Home_Dir().
            StrAllocCat(*AllocatedString, Home_Dir());
            if ((cp = strchr(old_string, '/')) != NULL) {

In LYUtils.c around line 4109:
        } else if (old_string[1] == '~') {
             *  Has a Home_Dir() reference.  Handle it
             *  as if there weren't a lead slash. - FM
#ifdef VMS
            StrAllocCat(*AllocatedString, HTVMS_wwwName((char *)Home_Dir()));
            StrAllocCat(*AllocatedString, Home_Dir());
#endif /* VMS */

The StrAllocCat() in the followin stuff at the beginning of
LYConvertToURL looks suspicious:

#ifdef DOSPATH
         char *cp_url = *AllocatedString;
         for(; *cp_url != '\0'; cp_url++)
                if(*cp_url == '\\') *cp_url = '/';
         if(*cp_url == ':')
         /* ... */

Note that
(1) will leave old_string pointing to free()'d memory (which will be
referenced and later free()'d again),
and (2) it is immediately followed by
    *AllocatedString = NULL;  /* so StrAllocCopy doesn't free it */
so there is no reference to the string resulting from
StrAllocCat(*AllocatedString,"/") (a memory leak, and it probably doesn't
have any effect).

I think repeating
     cp_url = *AllocatedString;
before the     *AllocatedString = NULL;
would fix it, but it still is confusing.  Somebody should try the DOSPATH
code with that change.

By the way, HTDOS_wwwName has the following:

        for ( ; *cp_url != '\0' ; cp_url++)
          if(*cp_url == '\\') *cp_url = '/';

         if(strlen(wwwname) > 3 && *cp_url == '/')
                *cp_url = '\0';

It seems the last two lines can never have any effect, because after the
for loop cp_url will already point ot the terminating '\0' and not to the
last non-'\0' char.


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