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Re: LYNX-DEV DOS bugs for ac-0.104

From: T.E.Dickey
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV DOS bugs for ac-0.104
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 12:33:00 -0500 (EST)

> On Thu, 25 Dec 1997, T.E.Dickey wrote:
> > If you're writing while curses is active, it should (SVr4 and SVr3) have
> > set the terminal mode so that OCRNL is off, making this behavior.  (It's
> > normal).  But why are you using a printf?
> I don't think that curses is active since stop_curses() is invoked just
> before the printf(SPAWNING_MSG).  The behavior was different several
ok - I didn't see that from the context of the patch.

> versions ago, without any change in this code.  I believe that Wayne
> made a change to make stdout binary rather than text mode, which may
> have changed how DOS handles \n.  
that's plausible (I forgot that).
> I used printf since I didn't know how else to get the carriage return
> and message in the correct place. The old code with system("echo ...")
> invokes "echo" which may vary from system to system. It may invoke the
> internal echo from DOS's, but if an external echo command
> is present, I thought that system would invoke this in preference to
> the internal command (I looked, but couldn't find the documentation
> for this). I am not sure that the behaviors of all the possible echo
> commands are consistent in regard to handling \r, and I am not sure
> about the echo commands on the DOS shells other than
> As I have mentioned before, I really don't know C programming.  What is
> the preferred way of putting the message on the screen?
I would have written the message out before exiting curses (with stop_curses).
It's simpler (and there's little functional advantage to putting a 'cls'
there also).
Thomas E. Dickey

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