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lynx-dev Re: LYNX-DEV Re: <pre></pre> <Hx></Hx> BUG

From: system
Subject: lynx-dev Re: LYNX-DEV Re: <pre></pre> <Hx></Hx> BUG
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 14:55:31 CST6CDT5,M4.1.0,M10.5.0

According to the archives, on Sun, 5 Apr 1998 15:33:59 +0100 (BST)
Under the subject Re: LYNX-DEV Re: <pre></pre> <Hx></Hx> BUG
Rob Partington <address@hidden> did cause to be written:
[apologies if someone else has already replied to this]

J.T. wrote:

> Lynx 2.8 does not implement the <pre> and </pre> tags as
> earlier versions do.

> Every time an html file uses an <Hx> tag the existing
> <pre> is nullified for the text that follows.  The
> solution is to add another <pre> tag just after each
> change in <Hx> level.

This is lynx implementing the correct behaviour.  The PRE
element cannot contain a Hx element, so the Hx element closes
the open PRE element as defined in the DTD.  lynx should
complain about this, though, since the </pre> is non-optional.

from the 3.2 DTD (<URL: [11] >)

<!ENTITY % preformatted "PRE">
<!ENTITY % pre.exclusion "IMG|BIG|SMALL|SUB|SUP|FONT">
<!-- the next two lines are the most important -->
<!ELEMENT PRE - - (%text)* -(%pre.exclusion)>
<!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA | %font | %phrase | %special | %form">
<!ENTITY % font "TT | I | B  | U | STRIKE | BIG | SMALL | SUB | SUP">
<!ENTITY % phrase "EM | STRONG | DFN | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE">

hello all,

I had some html files with unnumbered lists that ran into the same 
problem.  I was not happy.  I guess I don't understand the logic 
behind the <pre> tag and that behind the dropping of the <xmp> tag.

Ok so preformatted text should have its own lists and headings, and
presumably the contents of %pre.exclusion  would change the formatting
but what is the point of allowing <br> or the font changing TT,CODE...
or even MAP?

I assume that |BIG|SMALL|SUB|SUP| tags are ignored in preformated 
areas because lynx doesn't implement them?

Also interesting is how lynx (and other browsers) treat random
>s and <s.  I used mosaic 2.6-2, mosaic 3.0b5, netscape 3.03, 
lynx 2.7.1 and lynx 2.8 (all on VMS) to view the file below
with interesting results.

Yes this was essensially just a rant, but I would like some insight
into the logic behind the <pre> and <xmp> tag decisions if anybody
has any to offer.

a pre tag is below
this is a test
<A HREF="filenm.ext;">filenm.ext;  </a>
        of formatting
        of formatting
        of formatting
This is NOTHing
        of formatting
<I>This is I</I>
        of formatting
1can I put a > in here?1
2can I put a < in here?2
3can I < put a > in here?3
4can I <putz> in here?4
5can I put a < in here?5
<TT>This is TT</TT>
        of formatting
<big> big </big>
        of formatting
        of formatting
        of formatting
        of formatting

a /pre tag is above
this is a test
<A HREF="filenm.ext;">filenm.ext;  </a>
        of formatting
        of formatting
        of formatting
This is NOTHing
        of formatting
<I>This is I</I>
        of formatting
<h1>This is H1</h1>
1can I put a > in here?1
2can I put a < in here?2
3can I < put a > in here?3
4can I <putz> in here?4
5can I put a < in here?5
<TT>This is TT</TT>
        of formatting
<big> big </big>
        of formatting
        of formatting
        of formatting
        of formatting


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