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Re: lynx-dev Re: unanswered query (1): 2-8 bug

From: David Woolley
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Re: unanswered query (1): 2-8 bug
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 08:02:15 +0100 (BST)

> You didn't, by any chance, disable cookie support?  For some reason, 
> the CRL site wants cookies, which is really not a good thing for the 
> Lynx help page, even though Lynx does cookies.

The last time I tried it tried to set a cookie with everything, which
is either a misunderstanding of the server configuration or a deliberate
attempt to obtain as much market research data as possible (some people
where confused by Apache into thinking that its market research mode was
needed for any use of cookies), I safely rejected all the cookies.

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