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Re: lynx-dev 2.8.1 release

From: Nelson Henry Eric
Subject: Re: lynx-dev 2.8.1 release
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 10:21:25 +0900 (JST)

> To: address@hidden
> X-Mailer: Lynx, Version 2.8.1dev.24
> 1)  If this post hits the list, then you know by analyzing the mail
>     headers that there is one serious bug that needs to be corrected

I'm replying to my own post just to be sure it is clear who did what.
Lynx was the mailer, and it (all versions past and present AFAIK) is
allowing blind copy.  I am not responsible for detecting the bug, but
I want it out in the open so that it cannot be ignored.  IMHO, it is
extremely serious, and unless fixed Lynx loses all credibility.  OTOH,
if it is fixed, there most certainly will be a rush to upgrade.

If the programmers (Tom, Leonid, others) would like details, please tell
me what you need, OFF THE LIST, and I'll try to pass on what I was told.


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