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Re: lynx-dev Lynx colors

From: dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Lynx colors
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 05:18:25 -0400 (EDT)

> > terminal foreground/background colors to "default").  That would 
> > be something like 
> >         op=\E[39m\E49m 
> > in the terminfo. 
> Is that the same as "op=\E[39;49m"?  If so, it *probably* works for 
yes/no - not all terminals recognize the two glued together.
The strings that set foreground and background colors are separate for
that reason.  Just to save on bug reports, I cited the more general form.

It's also possible to have a non-ANSI terminal that would do the equivalent,
since all that's going on is that the application states a preference for
using 'op' to return to default colors.

> TeraTermPro2.3 with terminal id set to vt100. 
> While I have a real pro on the line, does the following seem reasonable: 
>       setab=\E[4%p1%dm, setaf=\E[3%p1%dm, 
yes: that says that it takes (for setab) parameter-1, pushes it onto a stack
and immediately returns it in decimal form, e.g.,
        0 -> \E[40m
        1 -> \E[41m

(the "\E" is transmitted as the escape character, 27 or "\033").
> Thanks. 
> __Henry 

Thomas E. Dickey

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