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lynx-dev lynx2.8.1dev.26

From: dickey
Subject: lynx-dev lynx2.8.1dev.26
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 10:47:20 -0400 (EDT)

1998-09-12 (2.8.1dev.26)
* change behavior of NSL_FORK and related I/O (patch by BL)
  - Make URL guessing ( interruptible. 
  - Make URL guessing from the command line interruptible.  
  - Use select() instead of FIONREAD.  This makes it work on OSes where
    previously it only *looked* like it was working. 
  - select() on stdin as well as the child pipe, when using [n]curses (not
    SLANG).  This allows interrupt to be processed instantly, without
    up-to-1-second delay. 
  - While looping, 1 second at a time, bail out after "too many" (currently 50)
    loops:  just in case something weird happens, like select() returning some
    unexpected error that we ignore. 
  - Make sure child processes are always killed and reaped.  
  - Close pipe ends as soon as possible.  
  - Now write the length down the pipe (using a known-to-the-program length of
    sizeof(int)) first -- this both helps workaround old CMU TCP bugs and the
    fact that select() doesn't let us get number of bytes ready, like FIONREAD
* change default for NO_ANONYMOUS_EMAIL to TRUE (patch by HN)
* use url for "W3C HTML Validation Service" rather than "A Kinder, Gentler HTML
* update url for HTML Quick Reference Guide (report by LE) - TE
* modify verbose images to show ISMAPs and USEMAPs (patch by LE). 
* fix typos in AttrList.h, LYStrings.h (reported by LV & HN) - TD
* Chartrans recovery and cleanup:  by introducing an invariant
  "current_char_set and UCLYhndl_for_unspec always valid charsets" we solve
  possible problems with invalid/undeclared charsets.  Use
  'safeUCGetLYhndl_byMIME()' for reading charset information from
  lynx.cfg/userdefs.h/command line switches to recover possible typos by
  fallback to ISO-8859-1; If UCLYhndl_for_unrec or UCLYhndl_HTFile_for_unspec
  not set explicitely - now fallback to UCLYhndl_for_unspec (was before, but
  not clear in certain places).  Add comments to UCMap.h, add comments on
  chartrans initialization in LYMain.c.  UCAssume_localMIMEcharset and
  UCAssume_unrecMIMEcharset now removed (UCLYhandl_* do all the stuff).  - LP
* LYCharSets.c:  LYRawMode code simplified and comments added.  It was realized
  that UCAssume_MIMEcharset may differ from its handler as LYRawMode history.
  Also:  HTMLSetRawModeDefault() moved into HTMLUseCharacterSet() to reduce
  clutter, declare HTMLSetCJKCharacterSet() as PRIVATE.  - LP
* more "big5" bugs fixed (in HTMIME.c and HTFile.c); function Set_HTCJK() added
  to LYCharSets.c - LP
* LYCharUtils.c:  META charset code corrected against 2.7.2, obsolete code
  removed - LP
* partial mode now repaint the screen in one stage with a complete display
  ('display_lines' received, fix in HTPartialDisplay()).  Incremental rendering
  of the first page may be annoying on slow connection (reported by Nelson
  Henry Eric <address@hidden>) - LP
* temp fix for HText_trimHightext side effect from partial mode by introducing
  a flag in HText_beginInput(), so this side effect still only happens for long
  documents with forms input mixed with normal href= link.  - LP
* print menu: fixed document URL near the top (was temp file name) - LP
* forms-options menu: fixed screen size in Novice mode - LP
* limit length of strings copied via tok_values[] in LYCookies.c - TD
* clean up a few memory leaks in cookie_add_acceptlist() and
  cookie_add_rejectlist() in LYCookie.c.  These were leaking 4 bytes for each
* fix to LYLoadCookies() which was causing duplicate invalid cookies to be
  loaded - BJC
* split out install-doc rule in top-level makefile to install extra 
  files in $(libdir)/lynx_doc (request by HN) - TD
* improved algorithm to set 'secure_value', used in forms-options to circumvent
  spoofing (based on comments from Mike Castle) - TD
* integrate WB's mouse changes (see 1997-04-24) for page-up/down into the Unix
  flavors of mouse support (e.g., ncurses and slang) - TD
* use ncurses define_key to implement lynx-keymaps (see dev.10) - TD
* modify slang keymap code to work with slang 0.99-38 - TD
* replace several ifdef'd pathname constructions to use LYAddPathToHome() - TD
* make keymaps file consistently named on Unix and VMS - TD
* remove redundant "Lynx" from internal-page titles (suggested by LP) - TD
* remove install-log makefile target, generate cfg_defs.h file directly from
  lynx_cfg.h and config.cache, to compile-in the configuration-definitions
  rather than rely on external file lynx_site.txt - TD

Thomas E. Dickey

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