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Re: lynx-dev lynx2-8-1pre6: Broken def7_uni.h ?

From: dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynx2-8-1pre6: Broken def7_uni.h ?
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 07:12:50 -0400 (EDT)

> and subsequent resulting errors. 
> It appears that the src/chrtrans/def7_uni.h generated by makeuctb contains 
> an empty static u8 dfont_unicount[256] (just 255 commas; no data). 
> I don't exactly understand how makeuctb works. Guessing from other header 
> files 
> and disreagrding "Do not edit this file; it was automatically generated", I 
> hacked 32 0's, 95 1's and 129 0's in place. The resulting lynx seems so far 
> to 
> work as expected, but it's a really bad hack. 
> Does anyone see what change could cause this failure ? 
no - the C code has been pretty stable; the def7_uni.h file iirc has changed
more recently.  I did a build on DU 4.0 a couple of weeks ago (I don't
remember the patch level), so either something's crept in, or there's something
amiss with your environment.  (We both built with DEC's compiler).
>  - Serge 
> --  
> -                                                                             
> - 
>  Serge Munhoven                              Internet: address@hidden 
>  Universite Catholique de Louvain               Phone (office): 
> ++32-10-478032 
>  CESAME - Applied Mechanics Division                (division): 
> ++32-10-472350 
>  Av. Georges Lemaitre, 4                                   Fax: 
> ++32-10-472180 
>  B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium - Europe)                      Office: 
> a.011 
> -                                                                             
> - 

Thomas E. Dickey

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