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Re: lynx-dev status

From: Larry W. Virden
Subject: Re: lynx-dev status
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 07:22:37 -0400 (EDT)

From: Nelson Henry Eric <address@hidden>

>       2) I have a very strong preference for a single-page main menu
>       since I can flip from top to bottom without taking my fingers off
>       of the alphanumeric keys.  (I use vi keys.)  Also I can see the
>       numbers of all the links at once.

I agree with NHE here.

        3) Although I agree with you that the search engine links shouldn't
        be on the help page (I personally put them on a page reached
        with the `i'ndex key.), there could be a lot of users out there
        who are expecting those links to be there.

Has anyone considered distributing a DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE with lynx?
Right now we point to NTSA, but that page appears to have not been
updated for 8 months or more.
Larry W. Virden                 INET: address@hidden
<URL:> <*> O- "We are all Kosh."
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