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lynx-dev Viewing bz2 files

From: Ismael Cordeiro
Subject: lynx-dev Viewing bz2 files
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 09:48:49 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Nelson Henry Eric wrote:

> Does anyone have working mailcap/mime.types entries, or lynx.cfg
> VIEWER/SUFFIX entries, for decompressing bzip2 files and passing the
> decompressed stream to a reader like most, or even to lynx?

In lynx.cfg:

VIEWER:application/x-bzip2:bzcat %s | $PAGER


VIEWER:application/x-bzip2:bunzip2 -c %s | $PAGER


VIEWER:application/x-bzip2:bzip2 -dc %s | $PAGER

I use bzcat because the other two make bzip2 to give a "broken pipe" message
at the end. No need to put references to bzip2 in .mime.types or .mailcap.

I also use these for reading the directories of zip, lzh and pma archives:

VIEWER:application/lzh:lha v %s | $PAGER
VIEWER:application/zip:unzip -v %s | $PAGER
VIEWER:application/pma:lha v %s | $PAGER

And this one for correctly reading manpages:

VIEWER:application/man:$PAGER %s


       | ISMAEL CORDEIRO            | mailto:address@hidden      |
       | Production sound mixer     | |
       | Montréal - Québec - Canada | |

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