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lynx-dev DOS patch for internationalization

From: Doug Kaufman
Subject: lynx-dev DOS patch for internationalization
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 21:52:09 -0800 (PST)

The following patch allows the building of the DOS lynx port with
support of gettext for producing messages in various languages. The
DOS port of the gettext package still needs minor tweaking to get it
to function properly, but this shouldn't be a problem for most people
trying to compile lynx for DOS themselves. Rather than put yet more
DOS-specific makefiles in the distribution, I put the changes to the
makefiles within comments, which can easily be removed to enable the

*** lynx2-8-2/src/LYMain.c      Fri Jan  1 10:26:52 1999
--- lynx2-8-2/src/  Tue Jan  5 06:39:12 1999
*** 680,688 ****
  #endif /* LOCALE */
      /* Set the text message domain.  */
      bindtextdomain ("lynx", LOCALEDIR);
      textdomain ("lynx");
! #endif
       *        Initialize our startup and global variables.
--- 680,690 ----
  #endif /* LOCALE */
      /* Set the text message domain.  */
+ #ifndef __DJGPP__
      bindtextdomain ("lynx", LOCALEDIR);
+ #endif /* !__DJGPP__ */
      textdomain ("lynx");
! #endif /* HAVE_LIBINTL_H */
       *        Initialize our startup and global variables.
*** lynx2-8-2/WWW/Library/Implementation/tcp.h  Wed Dec 16 13:56:42 1998
--- lynx2-8-2/WWW/Library/Implementation/      Mon Jan  4 22:58:06 1999
*** 497,502 ****
--- 497,503 ----
  #undef NETCLOSE
  #define NETCLOSE close_s
  #define getsockname getsockname_s
+ #define gettext gettext__
  #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
*** lynx2-8-2/src/makefile.dsl  Fri Jan  1 10:27:00 1999
--- lynx2-8-2/src/      Tue Jan  5 07:35:28 1999
*** 9,24 ****
  LYEditmap.o LYCharSets.o LYCharUtils.o LYMap.o LYCookie.o LYExtern.o \
  LYStyle.o LYHash.o
  CC = gcc
-I../djgpp/tcplib/include \
! -I./chrtrans -I../djgpp/tcplib/include/tcp
! WWWLIB = ../WWW/library/djgpp/libwww.a ../djgpp/tcplib/obj/libtcp.a
! LIBS= -lslang -lz
  CHRTR= ./chrtrans/
  all: lynx.exe
--- 9,25 ----
  LYEditmap.o LYCharSets.o LYCharUtils.o LYMap.o LYCookie.o LYExtern.o \
  LYStyle.o LYHash.o
  CC = gcc
! -DNOUSERS -DDOSPATH -DNO_TTYTYPE -DNO_UTMP -I../WWW/Library/Implementation \
! -I../djgpp/tcplib/include -I./chrtrans -I../djgpp/tcplib/include/tcp
! WWWLIB = ../WWW/Library/djgpp/libwww.a ../djgpp/tcplib/obj/libtcp.a
! LIBS= -lslang -lz # -lintl
  CHRTR= ./chrtrans/
  all: lynx.exe
*** lynx2-8-2/WWW/Library/djgpp/makefile.sla    Fri Jan  1 10:26:36 1999
--- lynx2-8-2/WWW/Library/djgpp/        Tue Jan  5 07:43:20 1999
*** 12,20 ****
  -I../../../djgpp/tcplib/include \
  -I../../../djgpp/tcplib/include/tcp \
  -I../../../src \
! -I../../.. $(SLANGINC)
  CC = gcc
  # Directory for installed binary:
  !BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
--- 12,21 ----
  -I../../../djgpp/tcplib/include \
  -I../../../djgpp/tcplib/include/tcp \
  -I../../../src \
! -I../../.. $(SLANGINC) $(INTLFLAGS)
  CC = gcc
  # Directory for installed binary:
  !BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
*** lynx2-8-2/INSTALLATION      Fri Jan  1 15:34:22 1999
--- lynx2-8-2/  Tue Jan  5 07:57:58 1999
*** 672,677 ****
--- 672,687 ----
      keyhandler allows mapping of ALT and Function keys, but has the risk of
      incompatibilities from mixing different programs.
+     If you wish to compile with support for internationalization of
+     messages, you first need to install the DOS port of the GNU gettext
+     package, available from any DJGPP mirror site. You may wish to
+     recompile with DJGPP 2.02. Then uncomment the lines for INTLFLAGS in
+     src/makefile.dsl and in WWW/Library/djgpp/makefile.sla, and remove
+     the "#" from the LIBS line in src/makefile.dsl. Make similar changes
+     if using one of the other DOS makefiles. See the gettext
+     documentation for information on creating and using message files for 
+     different languages.
      If all goes well, you will have a lynx.exe file.  If you have trouble,
      check to be sure djgpp.env is the way it came in the original package.
      To compile lynx with DJGPP you may need about 20Mb of free disk space

Doug Kaufman
Internet: address@hidden (preferred)

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