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lynx-dev Re: Textarea notes

From: Kim DeVaughn
Subject: lynx-dev Re: Textarea notes
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 19:53:19 -0800

On Sat, Jan 30, 1999, Larry W. Virden (address@hidden) said:
| 1. I don't seem to be able to use my "E" key any longer to edit URLs in
| lynx.  I thought that the EDITTEXTAREA was only going to be in effect
| within the text area.  And it is.  But outside the textarea the key
| cannot still be used.  So the ability to edit URLs is now gone...

Hmmm ... my "E" works just fine on things like a submit button, etc.

You sure you didn't leave a stray KEYMAP binding lurking about, in your
lynx.cfg file, from earlier efforts to get EDITTEXTAREA working, but
before you remembered about the double ^V needed on your system ...?

| 2. Re: my need to type ^V^VE to get a text area into an editor.
| I don't know how much of my "^V" situation has to do with SPARC, Solaris 2.6
| or screen 3.07.06beta .  My lynx was compiled on SPARC Solaris 2.6 using
| Sun's c compiler and ncurses 4.2 patched thru last weekend.
| Within lynx, I see these differences in my tty's terminal driver settings:

| Notice that for some reason, lynx is changing eof, not changing lnext,
| setting -icrnl, -icanon, -echo, -onlcr and removing tab3.

Sorry, but termstuff is quite high on my list of least favorite things to
get near, unless I *absolutely* HAVE to (topped only by trying to give an
ill-tempered hippopotamus with constipation, an enema, using a firehose,
and ice-cold water).

Perhaps THE termexpert can give you an answer ... :-) ...


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