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Re: lynx-dev keeping lynx in sync with gettext

From: pg
Subject: Re: lynx-dev keeping lynx in sync with gettext
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 10:28:30 -0700 (MST)

In a recent note, address@hidden said:

> Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 05:25:55 -0500 (EST)
> my preference is to replace the existing CTRACE syntax with a macro that
> can be easily ifdef'd.  I left FM's structure intact because most of the
> effort in converting to the current form was validating the transformation -
> now that they're all identified, changing the definition would be more
> reliable.  for example:
>       #ifdef CTRACE_CODE
>       #define CTRACE p LYCtrace p;
>       #else
>       #define CTRACE /*nothing*/
>       #endif
> so we could replace
>       CTRACE(tfp, "something\n");
> with
>       CTRACE(("something\n"))
Hmmm.  Yes, but go the other way, please:

        #ifdef CTRACE_CODE
        #define LYCtrace(p) CTRACE p;  /* (typo corrected) */
        #define LYCtrace /*nothing*/
  so we could replace
        CTRACE(tfp, "something\n");
So the transition can be made progressively rather than
catastrophically -- residual calls to CTRACE would continue
to work (but not be suppressed by the switch) while the
preponderance were converted.  This also avoids invalidating
local patches that contain CTRACE calls.  The same pervasive
set of lines need to be systematically modified, so it's
a break-even in that respect.

-- gil

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