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Re: lynx-dev Re: MAILTO internal page proposal - form with

From: Eric
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Re: MAILTO internal page proposal - form with
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 20:43:48 -0500

Quite frankly, Henry Nelson said:
| I just would prefer that Lynx not start bloating out.  At 1MB+ now, the
| advantage over the GUI boys is narrowing.
| I'd say 1) use elm, 2) use the print function for mailing a file, 3) use
| the Lynx built-in mailer, bearing in mind that, like the news support,
| what is there is already an extra luxury, or (probably the best) 4) use
| the various features of lynx to call external scripts and programs:
| lynxcgi, lynxprog, lynxextern.

I totally agree with the bloat issue; Lynx seems to be getting a bit large.
One idea I was thinking about was implementing modules like that in shared
libraries under Linux and such, but for Lynx to be completely portable, a
more general interface to that stuff should be done.  lynxcgi/prog/extern
looks almost like a step ahead in that direction; and a more portable one
at that.  Perhaps a lot of Lynx screen manipulation functions could be
put into a library and statically/dynamically linked in Lynx to provide for
Lynx's own proper operation, but also linkable by other programs to provide
a more "Lynx-friendly" extension?  like a Lynx-friendly mailer, news reader,
etc...  maybe with a standardized inter-process-communication system (doesn't
have to be complex, just some way for Lynx to send the called program some
data upon exec, and for the called program to return some data upon exit...)

Spirilis ... Eric ... Zephimir ... (chaos? :)
      /  address@hidden      \
      |  > address@hidden <      \
       \    address@hidden    |

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