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lynx-dev Re: Link numbering and keypad mode

From: Kim DeVaughn
Subject: lynx-dev Re: Link numbering and keypad mode
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 20:32:36 -0800

On Tue, Feb 16, 1999, Henry Nelson (address@hidden) said:
| > BTW, the reason the coupling annoys me, is that sometimes I run
| > with numbering turned on, but I still hit the "Home"/"End" keys to
| > take me to the top/bottom of the document (habit, plus it's much
| > easier than remerbering/hitting ^A/^E to do the job).
| I don't understand your problem.  I always run with links and form
| fields numbered, and use the Home and End keys to go to the top and
| bottom of a document.  You seem to be saying that Home and End don't
| work with numbering on; I don't find that to be the case, i.e., they
| are not exclusive of each other.

They are for my keyboard.

Ie, they perform the HOME and END lynx commands if numbering is off;
they enter the digits "7" and "1" respectively if it is on.  Just as
I expect from the combined keypad/numbering option conglomerate (but
do NOT like).


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