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lynx-dev lynx2.8.2dev.17

From: dickey
Subject: lynx-dev lynx2.8.2dev.17
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 09:44:32 -0500 (EST)

1999-02-16 (2.8.2dev.17)
* modify LYReadCFG.c to avoid duplicating data for cookies - BJP
* modify HTConfirm to use gettext values for yes/no.  Use HTConfirm in a few
  more places, though completing this will require more work - TD
* add note about resolv library to PROBLEMS - PW
* minor clarification about DOS/Windows binaries in README - PW
* modify ./ so that portions which are commented-out will be done
  without a leading tab, since that confuses the make program on Digital Unix
  3.2 - TD
* Unix: Don't accept HOME variable with valid if it does not begin with
  a slash - KW
* changed HTGetCharacter to be 8-bit clean, it could not distinguish between a
  character value 255 and EOF.  Changes affect several protocols:  nntp,
  gopher, finger, ftp.  Most notably, news articles containing byte value 255
  could not be completely read - KW
* removed a memory leak in HTFTP.c for some directory data, added a few gettext
  calls - KW
* added ability to show file type description in local Unix directory listings:
  new format codes for use in LIST_FORMAT %t, %T, they are not used by default
  - KW
* modify "clean" makefile rule to allow for FreeBSD, which generates core
  files such as lynx.core - KED, TD
* correct sign-extension when converting characters after edit of TEXTAREA
  (upper-128 characters were being translated to dots, reported by IC) - KED
* worked with some pathological/boundary-case pages, and fixed some some edges
  that could fail (eg, last line of document is also last line of a TEXTAREA,
  and lines are being added; page containing *only* a one-line TEXTAREA field;
  etc).  While it was unlikely one would run into such beasts in real life,
  they all work correctly now.  Thanks to Greg Marr and Serge Munhov for
  providing some very basic pages that I was able to easily modify for various
  test cases - KED
* added a few flags to the TextAnchor and HTLine struct's, to indicate an
  expansion line.  These were added to allow for line deletion when a TEXTAREA
  is "reset" or shrinks (when we get around to tackling those tasks) - KED
* the editor's cursor is now positioned on the same line in the edit file, as
  it was on when the editor was invoked (relative to the beginning of the
  TEXTAREA).  At least for those editors that lynx knows support initial
  positioning (emacs, vi, pico, jove, and jed for non-VMS platforms; sedt for
  VMS) - KED
* cleaned up and corrected a few comments; simplified a few small bits of
  code - KED
* added cookie_domain_flags enum to LYCookie.h, usage should be apparent with
  patch applied - BJP
* updated free_lynx_globals() for cookie variables - BJP
* replaced cookie_add_acceptlist, cookie_add_rejectlist and
  cookie_set_invcheck functions with cookie_domain_flag_set - BJP
* saved a bit of memory by dropping useless pointer memory initialization
  (exactly WHAT was I thinking?)  - BJP
* changed LYrcFile.c, LYReadCFG.c to call cookie_domain_flag_set  - BJP
* new lynxkeycode BACKTAB_KEY with value 0x10F.  DO_NOTHING is and shall remain
  0x10E, as documented in lynx.cfg.  Moved MOUSE_KEY out of the way - does it
  need to be in the tables at all?  BACKTAB_KEY will be recognized if the
  (n)curses keypad() input handling returns KEY_BTAB, which happens if the
  terminal description has the right kB or kcbt capability string and the
  terminal actually generates that string (often "^[[Z", generated for
  shift+tab).  May also work with lynx-keymaps mechanism.  Not tested with
  slang, maybe this has to be added to some more of the various tables in
  LYStrings.c - KW
* new user-visible key commands FASTFORW_LINK and FASTBACKW_LINK, with
  lynxactionscodes LYK_FASTFORW_LINK and LYK_FASTBACKW_LINK.  By default mapped
  from <tab> key (^I) and new BACKTAB_KEY, respectively.  Previously <tab> was
  mapped from NEXT_LINK, which has some special handling if the invoking key
  was <tab> (and if FASTTAB was defined in LYMainLoop.c, which was the case by
  default).  The old behavior of <tab> is still available if it is mapped with
  KEYMAP to NEXT_LINK in lynx.cfg - KW
* these commands always go to a previous (or next) link if there is one,
  and skip multiple lines that are part of the same textarea - KW
* recognize the new key actions also during partial file display, for some
  roughly corresponding movement - KW
* new lynxeditactioncode LYE_FORM_PASS, to allow any lynxkeycode to end the
  editing of a form field and be passed up to the caller - it will then
  normally be mapped to a lynxactioncode.  LYE_FORM_PASS keys are generally
  ignored in non-forms line editing.  This is used for BACKTAB_KEY, as well as
  several other keys that were previously handled specially in form_getstr - KW
* extended the maps in LYEditmap.c to cover the same range of lynxkeycodes as
  the LYKeymap.c tables.  Yes, this uses more space, but the tables need to be
  consistent - KW
* map lynxkeycode 0x00 to LYK_DO_NOTHING, as lynx.cfg said all the time - KW
* some tweaks of displayed strings in 'K'ey Map page.  Don't show CHANGE_LINK
  binding if mouse not enabled (it may not be useful even when -use_mouse is
  on) - KW
* function expand_substring used with NCURSES for user-defined mapping keysyms
  to byte sequences was parsing the "^(...)" construct wrong - KW
* other small tweaks in key handling code - KW
* changes to lynx.cfg to better reflect reality. - KW
* terminology note:  lynxkeycode = what's between the colons in lynx.cfg
  KEYMAP:...:..., lynxactioncode = LYK_* code for what's right of the second
  colon, lynxeditactioncode = what's assigned in LYEditmap.c (and which may
  differ between lineedit_mode Default Binding and alternative bindings) - KW
* formatting tweak in HTML.c for <DD> not preceded by <DT>:  Don't use wrong
  indentation in that case - KW
* changes from DK for DOS up to 1999-02-14 - KW
* minor documentation tweaks - LP
* replace most uses of free with FREE (John Bley).
* correct HTEndParam so that if fewer command-parameters are given than
  expected, we still terminate the command properly (reported by
  Michael Warner) - TD

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