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lynx-dev Re: Vlad's suggestions

From: Vlad Harchev
Subject: lynx-dev Re: Vlad's suggestions
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 13:10:38 +0400 (SAMT)

On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Philip Webb wrote:

> 990306 Vlad Harchev wrote: 
> > When unhighlighting highlighted links that contain some extra formatting,
> > lynx-2.8.2dev12 and lynx-2.8 draw them incorrectly
> > compared to the way they were drawn before becoming highlighted first time)
> > when compiled with lss support (I didn't check lynx compiled without lss).
> > Here is an example (highlight and unhighlight 2 last links).
> > 
> > <BODY LANG="EN">
> >  <A NAME="tex2html11" HREF="node1.html">
> > <UL> 
> > <LI> <A NAME="tex2html36" HREF="node23.html">IPC Identifiers</A>
> > <LI> <A NAME="tex2html37" HREF="node24.html">IPC Keys</A>
> > <LI> <A NAME="tex2html38" HREF="node25.html">The <TT>ipcs</TT> Command</A>
> > <LI> <A NAME="tex2html39" HREF="node26.html">The <TT>ipcrm</TT> Command</A>
> > </UL></BODY></HTML>
> there's no problem with this test file without  lss  using 2-8-2dev.19 ,
> which is the very latest version: 2-8 is too old to be supported.

 But they are unhighlighted incorrectly in (at least) lynx-2.8.2dev12
compiled with lss support. I can post transcripts if you wish.

> to respond to your suggestions:
> <a> appears to be recognised within <pre> blocks;
> <b> & <i> are recognised if you use  ^v  to get `sortasgml' a/a `tagsoup'.
  You are right. I was using lynx-2.8 and was disappointed in the way the 
lynx parser that is turned on by default handles text in the <pre> block
(I didn't know that parsers are switchable at runtime). I mistakenly
induced that behaviour for lynx-2.8.2dev12 I have - I didn't tested
lynx-2.8.2dev12 on files with formatting in <PRE> blocks 'cause I had
problems with screen drawing I've described some days ago. I'm sorry.

> * regular expression search (preferably ERE), case sensitive and insensitive
> this would be useful.
> * marks (that are local to the file) like in 'less',
> * ie positions in the html file recorded and then activated some way;
> * Two non-reserved keys are required for this.
> this probably runs into a problem with the way Lynx treats docs internally:
> FM -- who did much of the early work on Lynx -- used to remind everyone:
> "Lynx is not a file-viewer"; also, it's probably not worth  2  keys.

   When viewing large html files (~200 kb) it would be nice to have marks
 to navigate through the document. There are a lot of such files in the 
 Web - most of them are automatically generated.
> * floating-point numbers be allowed for INFOSECS, MESSAGESECS, ALERTSECS
> what on earth for ... (raised eyebrows)?

   "You are already at the end of this document" and more useful
   "You are already at the first document" seems to last too long
   for me for INFOSECS=1, invisible for INFOSECS=0 or '-nopause' command
   switch. I wish I be able to set INFOSECS=0.3.

> * ability to filter from Inet to be passed through user-defined command
> there's already the EXTERNAL feature: see Users Guide.
  I meant the following: the ability to pass content that is being
  downloaded by lynx (eg HTML file) to be filtered through some program
  and then fed to lynx. Preferably such functionality should be activated 
  by user at runtime (by selecting the filter from a set of predefined or
  by entering command line). For example, filtering through sed can be
  used to pack some words (eg Microsoft to M$). It seems to me that it
  will be possible to implement table renderer in Perl or Python that will
  render the table to the <PRE> block. Even simple javascript constructs
  can be parsed and interpreted (like document.write). Complex character
  set translations will also be allowed by this approach.

> * ESC closes 'option list'
> LeftArrow does it already as easily.

  It's convenient for GUIs and UIs to interpret ESC (or double ESC) as 
  closing current element of dialog or dialog itself. May be it will be 
  useful for novice users.
> * for novice users: ability to set start page via 'o' command.
> this might be useful: it really belongs under a larger project
> to fit many  lynx.cfg  choices into the Options form.
> the rule about Lynx development is very simple:
> it happens when people -- eg you -- want a feature badly enough
> to do the necessary programming & submit a patch to lynx-dev.
> feel encouraged to contribute to the effort (smile).
> -- 
> ========================,,============================================
> SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : address@hidden
> ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
> TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
 Best regards, 

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