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Re: lynx-dev [PATCH][dev19] Fix for Sun's cc

From: dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev [PATCH][dev19] Fix for Sun's cc
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 14:57:40 -0500 (EST)

> On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 address@hidden wrote: 
> > > It always bothered me that I couldn't compile lynx with   
> > > Sun's "cc: SC4.0 18 Oct 1995 C 4.0" default compiler, so I decided to   
> >  
> > I'm not sure about 'always' (I've been compiling - occasionally making 
> > fixes to keep it compiling) with both of Sun's (SunOS and Solaris) 
> > compilers.  There's a half-dozen problems that crept in recent changes, 
> > including the UCdomap stuff which people have had trouble with in dev.19 
> Hmmm... sorry 'bout that.  Guess I shouldn't have extrapolated from my data  
> set of 2 points (dev19 and devXX a few months ago) where I tried using  
> cc.  Good thing I'm not majoring in math. 

well, when I have the time (at work, that is), and think we've gotten
to a milestone where I'll be wanting to install newer copies of lynx,
I run a build script for each of the platforms we have, which goes through
the combinations of compiler and libraries which I've available.  There's
usually one or two of the 30-odd combinations that has to be tweaked.

I looked at SunOS (K&R cc) on Monday, didn't have time to finish tweaking
it (snow on Wednesday, out sick on Friday), but that was the only one I
saw broken.

between times, I build on Linux, OS/2 (EMX), FreeBSD and Solaris.
(before checking in code on sol, I run through a build with gcc against
curses, ncurses, slang, and also color-style against the first two).

but I'll miss some (that's what we should pick up during pre-release,
rather than having everyone pop out with their favorite feature ;-).
> John Bley - address@hidden 

Thomas E. Dickey

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