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lynx-dev lynx html source colorization program

From: Vlad Harchev
Subject: lynx-dev lynx html source colorization program
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 07:28:46 +0400 (SAMT)

  Here is a progam that can be used to colorize the source in lynx. I've
written it today. Just 'flex file.l && cc lex.yy.c'. It's a filter. 
It can be easily integrated in lynx - since flex is very flexible. Try it
out. I've used flex-2.5.4. From a given html file it produces another html
file, with tags encapsulated and source formatting preserved. Ie, if the
source file contains:

<a href="foo.html"> a reference </a> 
it will produce (exact output is presented)

<b>&lt;</b><em>A HREF=<tt><a href="foo.html">&quot;foo.html&quot;</a>
</tt></em><b>&gt;</b> a reference <b>&lt;/</b><em>A</em><b>&gt;</b>

 Best regards,

  /* by Vlad Harchev <address@hidden> */
%option noyywrap

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

  typedef char* str;
  typedef char c_t;
  c_t tmp_c;
  char is_href; int dump_href;
  /* this will convert the string to upper case inplace */
  void pvt_strtoupper(char* str,int len)
    char* end=str+len; --str;
    while (++str < end ) *str = toupper(*str);
#define abr_s "<b>"  
#define abr_e "</b>"  
#define preamble_s "<h1>"
#define preamble_e "</h1>"
#define val_s        "<tt>"
#define val_e        "</tt>"
#define param_s      "<em>"
#define param_e      "</em>"    
#define com_s        "<tt>"
#define com_e        "</tt>"

#define lt         "&lt;"
#define gt         "&gt;"
#define q         "&quot;"
#define amp        "&amp;"
#define t_up() pvt_strtoupper(yytext,yyleng);
#define _tag(n) cur_attrs=n##_a; t_up(); puts_n(yytext,yyleng);

 /* if x is string literal, then we can compute it's len at compile time*/
#define puts_(x) fwrite(x,(sizeof x)-1,1,stdout) 
 /* if x is ptr to null terminated str, then we compute it's len at run time*/
#define puts__(x) fputs(x,stdout) 
  /* if x is ptr, and we must write n chars*/
#define puts_n(x,n) fwrite(x,n,1,stdout) 

  str c_a[]={"HREF",0}; /*common names */
  typedef str* pstr;
  str body_a[]={"BACKGROUND",0}, form_a[]={"ACTION",0}, 
      img_a[]={"SRC","USEMAP",0}, input_a[]={"SRC",0}, unknown_a[]={ 0 };
  pstr a_a=c_a, link_a=c_a,area_a=c_a,base_a=c_a;
  pstr cur_attrs;

  void make_href(char* str,int len)
    puts_("<a href=\"") ; puts_n(str,len); puts_("\">");

WHITE [ \t\n]


"<!--"           puts_(com_s lt "!--" ); BEGIN(COMMENT);

"-->"   puts_( "--" gt com_e ); BEGIN(0);
"<"     puts_(lt);
">"     puts_(gt);
"&"     puts_(amp);
\"    puts_(q);

>         puts_(param_e abr_s gt abr_e); BEGIN(0);
{WHITE}+  puts_(" ");/*pack whites*/
[^ \t\n]  t_up(); puts_n(yytext,yyleng);

[aA]/({WHITE}*|">")               _tag(a); BEGIN(INTAG);
[bB][oO][dD][yY]/({WHITE}*|">")   _tag(body);BEGIN(INTAG);
[fF][oO][rR][mM]/({WHITE}*|">")   _tag(form);BEGIN(INTAG);
[iI][mM][gG]/({WHITE}*|">")       _tag(img);BEGIN(INTAG);
[iI][nN][pP][uU][tT]/({WHITE}*|">")       _tag(input);BEGIN(INTAG);
[lL][iI][nN][kK]/({WHITE}*|">")   _tag(link);BEGIN(INTAG);
[aA][rR][eE][aA]/({WHITE}*|">")   _tag(area);BEGIN(INTAG);
[bB][aA][sS][eE]/({WHITE}*|">")   _tag(base);BEGIN(INTAG);

([^ \t\n>]+)/({WHITE}*|">")  _tag(unknown); BEGIN(INTAG);      

"<"{WHITE}*    puts_(abr_s lt abr_e param_s ); BEGIN(GETTAG); 
"</"{WHITE}*   puts_(abr_s lt "/" abr_e param_s ); BEGIN(INTAG_END);            

{WHITE}*">"              puts_(param_e abr_s gt abr_e ) ; BEGIN(0);
{WHITE}+         puts_(" ");
[^ \t\n=>]+      { 
                   int i=0;
                   t_up(); puts_n(yytext,yyleng); dump_href=0;
                   while (cur_attrs[i])
                      { /* find out whether this tag has attribute that from
                           which hyperlink can be created  */
                        if ( !strcmp(yytext,cur_attrs[i]) )
                          { dump_href=1;break; };
                      } ;

  /*we are waiting for tag parameter */
">"              puts_(param_e abr_s gt abr_e ) ; BEGIN(0);
{WHITE}+         puts_(" ");BEGIN(INTAG);/*no parameter*/
=[^\"'][^ \t\n>]+  {  
                    puts_("=" val_s);
                    if (dump_href) make_href(yytext+1,yyleng-1);
                    if (dump_href) puts_( "</a>");
                    puts_( val_e ); BEGIN(INTAG); 
=\"[^\"]*\"      {  
                    puts_("=" val_s ); 
                    if (dump_href) make_href(yytext+2,yyleng -2 -1);  
                    puts_( q ); puts_n(yytext+2,yyleng -2 -1); puts_( q );     
                    if (dump_href) puts_( "</a>");                    
                    puts_( val_e ); BEGIN(INTAG); 
='[^']*'         {  
                    puts_("=" val_s );
                    if (dump_href) make_href(yytext+2,yyleng -2 -1);          
                    puts_("'"); puts_n(yytext+2,yyleng -2 -1);puts_("'"); 
                    if (dump_href) puts_( "</a>");             
                    puts_( val_e); BEGIN(INTAG); 


void main()

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