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lynx-dev (patch) local directory output - add partial mode

From: Leonid Pauzner
Subject: lynx-dev (patch) local directory output - add partial mode
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 00:14:23 +0400 (MSD)

* Reading of long local directories now benefits from partial mode and fully
  interruptable. Split out print_local_dir() function from HTLoadFile(). - LP

1) it should not be overhead from HTDisplayPartial() in a tiny loop and
  only minore overhead from HTCheckForInterrupt() - invoked once a 1/10 second.
  can be more optimized by a lines counter.
2) it was found that reading of local directory consists of two phases:
  while stat() loop and actual printing of sorted output, so being interrupted
  at first stage we got nonobvious loss of entries - original directory
  is not sorted.
3) was found a bug: CTRACE macro in HTUtils.h -

#define CTRACE if(TRACE)fprintf

may serve a bad joke when happen without { and } in a tiny if:


diff -u -d old/htfile.c ./htfile.c
--- old/htfile.c        Wed Mar 31 00:43:48 1999
+++ ./htfile.c  Sat Apr  3 23:08:14 1999
@@ -516,6 +516,8 @@
 #endif /* LY_FIND_LEAKS */

+extern void HTDisplayPartial NOARGS;
 /*     Send README file.
 **     -----------------
@@ -565,6 +567,7 @@
 #endif /* NOTDEFINED */
+       HTDisplayPartial();
@@ -1463,6 +1466,333 @@

+PRIVATE int print_local_dir ARGS5(
+       DIR  *,         dp,
+       char *,         localname,
+       HTParentAnchor *,       anchor,
+       HTFormat,               format_out,
+       HTStream *,             sink)
+               HTStructured *target;           /* HTML object */
+               HTStructuredClass targetClass;
+               STRUCT_DIRENT * dirbuf;
+               char *logical = NULL;
+               char *pathname = NULL;
+               char *tail = NULL;
+               BOOL present[HTML_A_ATTRIBUTES];
+               char * tmpfilename = NULL;
+               BOOL need_parent_link = FALSE;
+               struct stat file_info;
+               int status;
+               CTRACE(tfp, "print_local_dir() started\n");
+               logical = HTAnchor_address((HTAnchor*)anchor);
+               pathname = HTParse(logical, "",
+                                       PARSE_PATH + PARSE_PUNCTUATION);
+               if (!strcmp(pathname,"/")) {
+                   /*
+                   **  Root path.
+                   */
+                   StrAllocCopy (tail, "/foo/..");
+               } else {
+                   char *p = strrchr(pathname, '/');  /* find last slash */
+                   if (!p) {
+                       /*
+                       **  This probably should not happen,
+                       **  but be prepared if it does. - KW
+                       */
+                       StrAllocCopy (tail, "/foo/..");
+                   } else {
+                       /*
+                       **  Take slash off the beginning.
+                       */
+                       StrAllocCopy(tail, (p + 1));
+                   }
+               }
+               FREE(pathname);
+               if (UCLYhndl_HTFile_for_unspec >= 0) {
+                   HTAnchor_setUCInfoStage(anchor,
+                                           UCLYhndl_HTFile_for_unspec,
+                                           UCT_STAGE_PARSER,
+                                           UCT_SETBY_DEFAULT);
+               }
+               target = HTML_new(anchor, format_out, sink);
+               targetClass = *target->isa;     /* Copy routine entry points */
+               { int i;
+                       for (i = 0; i < HTML_A_ATTRIBUTES; i++)
+                               present[i] = (i == HTML_A_HREF);
+               }
+               /*
+               **  The need_parent_link flag will be set if an
+               **  "Up to <parent>" link was not created for a
+               **  readable parent in HTDirTitles() because
+               **  LONG_LIST is defined and NO_PARENT_DIR_REFERENCE
+               **  is not defined so that need we to create the
+               **  link via an LYListFmtParse() call. - FM
+               */
+               need_parent_link = HTDirTitles(target,
+                                              (HTAnchor *)anchor, FALSE);
+               if (strncmp(anchor->address, "lynxcgi:", 8)) {
+                   HTAnchor_setFormat((HTParentAnchor *) anchor, WWW_DIRED);
+                   lynx_edit_mode = TRUE;
+               }
+#endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */
+               if (HTDirReadme == HT_DIR_README_TOP)
+                   do_readme(target, localname);
+               {
+                   HTBTree * bt = HTBTree_new((HTComparer)strcmp);
+                   int num_of_entries = 0;     /* counter, currently not used 
+                   _HTProgress (gettext("Reading directory..."));
+                   status = HT_LOADED; /* assume we don't get interrupted */
+                   while ((dirbuf = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
+                       /*
+                       **  While there are directory entries to be read...
+                       */
+                       char * dirname = NULL;
+#ifndef DOSPATH
+                       if (dirbuf->d_ino == 0)
+                           /*
+                           **  If the entry is not being used, skip it.
+                           */
+                           continue;
+                       /*
+                       **  Skip self, parent if handled in HTDirTitles()
+                       **  or if NO_PARENT_DIR_REFERENCE is not defined,
+                       **  and any dot files if no_dotfiles is set or
+                       **  show_dotfiles is not set. - FM
+                       */
+                       if (!strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, ".")   /* self   */ ||
+                           (!strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, "..") /* parent */ &&
+                            need_parent_link == FALSE) ||
+                           ((strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, "..")) &&
+                            (dirbuf->d_name[0] == '.' &&
+                             (no_dotfiles || !show_dotfiles))))
+                           continue;
+                       StrAllocCopy(tmpfilename, localname);
+                       if (strcmp(localname, "/"))
+                           /*
+                           **  If filename is not root directory.
+                           */
+                           StrAllocCat(tmpfilename, "/");
+                       StrAllocCat(tmpfilename, dirbuf->d_name);
+                       stat(tmpfilename, &file_info);
+                       if (S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode))
+                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, "D%s",dirbuf->d_name);
+                       else
+                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, "F%s",dirbuf->d_name);
+                           /* D & F to have first directories, then files */
+                       {
+                           if (dir_list_style == MIXED_STYLE)
+                               HTSprintf0(&dirname, " %s/", dirbuf->d_name);
+                           else if (!strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, ".."))
+                               HTSprintf0(&dirname, "A%s", dirbuf->d_name);
+                           else
+                               HTSprintf0(&dirname, "D%s", dirbuf->d_name);
+                       }
+                       else if (dir_list_style == MIXED_STYLE)
+                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, " %s", dirbuf->d_name);
+                       else if (dir_list_style == FILES_FIRST)
+                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, "C%s", dirbuf->d_name);
+                           /* C & D to have first files, then directories */
+                       else
+                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, "F%s", dirbuf->d_name);
+#endif /* !DIRED_SUPPORT */
+                       /*
+                       **  Sort dirname in the tree bt.
+                       */
+                       HTBTree_add(bt, dirname);
+                       num_of_entries++;
+                       if (HTCheckForInterrupt()) {
+                           status = HT_PARTIAL_CONTENT;
+                           break;
+                       }
+                   }   /* end while directory entries left to read */
+                   if (status != HT_PARTIAL_CONTENT)
+                       _HTProgress (gettext("OK"));
+                   else
+                       CTRACE(tfp, "Reading the directory interrupred by 
+                   /*
+                   **  Run through tree printing out in order.
+                   */
+                   {
+                       HTBTElement * next_element = HTBTree_next(bt,NULL);
+                           /* pick up the first element of the list */
+                       char state;
+                           /* I for initial (.. file),
+                              D for directory file,
+                              F for file */
+                       char test;
+#endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */
+                       state = 'I';
+                       while (next_element != NULL) {
+                           char *entry, *file_extra;
+                           StrAllocCopy(tmpfilename,localname);
+                           if (strcmp(localname, "/"))
+                               /*
+                               **  If filename is not root directory.
+                               */
+                               StrAllocCat(tmpfilename, "/");
+                           StrAllocCat(tmpfilename,
+                                       (char *)HTBTree_object(next_element)+1);
+                           /*
+                           **  Append the current entry's filename
+                           **  to the path.
+                           */
+                           HTSimplify(tmpfilename);
+                           /*
+                           **  Output the directory entry.
+                           */
+                           if (strcmp((char *)
+                                      (HTBTree_object(next_element)), "D..") &&
+                               strcmp((char *)
+                                      (HTBTree_object(next_element)), "A.."))
+                           {
+                               test = (*(char *)(HTBTree_object(next_element))
+                                       == 'D' ? 'D' : 'F');
+                               if (state != test) {
+#ifndef LONG_LIST
+                                   if (dir_list_style == FILES_FIRST) {
+                                      if (state == 'F')
+                                         END(HTML_DIR);
+                                   } else if (dir_list_style != MIXED_STYLE)
+                                      if (state == 'D')
+                                         END(HTML_DIR);
+#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
+                                   state =
+                                      (*(char *)(HTBTree_object(next_element))
+                                       == 'D' ? 'D' : 'F');
+                                   START(HTML_H2);
+                                   if (dir_list_style != MIXED_STYLE) {
+                                      START(HTML_EM);
+                                      PUTS(state == 'D'
+                                         ? LABEL_SUBDIRECTORIES
+                                         : LABEL_FILES);
+                                      END(HTML_EM);
+                                   }
+                                   END(HTML_H2);
+#ifndef LONG_LIST
+                                   START(HTML_DIR);
+#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
+                               }
+                               if (state != *(char *)(HTBTree_object(
+                                                        next_element))) {
+#ifndef LONG_LIST
+                                   if (state == 'D')
+                                       END(HTML_DIR);
+#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
+                                   state =
+                                     (*(char *)(HTBTree_object(next_element))
+                                      == 'D' ? 'D' : 'F');
+                                   START(HTML_H2);
+                                   START(HTML_EM);
+                                   PUTS(state == 'D'
+                                       ? LABEL_SUBDIRECTORIES
+                                       : LABEL_FILES);
+                                   END(HTML_EM);
+                                   END(HTML_H2);
+#ifndef LONG_LIST
+                                   START(HTML_DIR);
+#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
+                               }
+#endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */
+#ifndef LONG_LIST
+                               START(HTML_LI);
+#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
+                           }
+                           entry = (char*)HTBTree_object(next_element)+1;
+                           file_extra = NULL;
+#ifdef LONG_LIST
+                           LYListFmtParse(list_format, tmpfilename, target,
+                               entry, tail);
+                           HTDirEntry(target, tail, entry);
+                           PUTS(entry);
+                           END(HTML_A);
+                           if (file_extra) {
+                               PUTS(file_extra);
+                               FREE(file_extra);
+                           }
+                           MAYBE_END(HTML_LI);
+#endif /* LONG_LIST */
+                           next_element = HTBTree_next(bt, next_element);
+                               /* pick up the next element of the list;
+                                if none, return NULL*/
+                           /* num_of_entries, num_of_entries_partial... */
+                           /* HTReadProgress...(bytes, 0); */
+                           HTDisplayPartial();
+                           if (HTCheckForInterrupt()) {
+                               _HTProgress (TRANSFER_INTERRUPTED);
+                               status = HT_PARTIAL_CONTENT;
+                               break;
+                           }
+                       } /* end while next_element */
+                       if (status == HT_LOADED) {
+                           if (state == 'I') {
+                               START(HTML_P);
+                               PUTS("Empty Directory");
+                           }
+#ifndef LONG_LIST
+                           else
+                               END(HTML_DIR);
+#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
+                       }
+                   }  /* printing out the tree in order done */
+                   closedir(dp);
+                   FREE(logical);
+                   FREE(tmpfilename);
+                   FREE(tail);
+                   HTBTreeAndObject_free(bt);
+                   if (status == HT_LOADED) {
+                       if (HTDirReadme == HT_DIR_README_BOTTOM)
+                           do_readme(target, localname);
+                       FREE_TARGET;
+                   } else {
+                       ABORT_TARGET;
+                   }
+               }
+               return status;  /* document loaded, maybe partial */
 /*     Load a document.
 **     ----------------
@@ -1931,16 +2261,7 @@
                **  If localname is a directory.
-               HTStructured *target;           /* HTML object */
-               HTStructuredClass targetClass;
                DIR *dp;
-               STRUCT_DIRENT * dirbuf;
-               char *logical = NULL;
-               char *pathname = NULL;
-               char *tail = NULL;
-               BOOL present[HTML_A_ATTRIBUTES];
-               char * tmpfilename = NULL;
-               BOOL need_parent_link = FALSE;
                struct stat file_info;

                CTRACE(tfp, "%s is a directory\n", localname);
@@ -1983,288 +2304,14 @@
                **  Directory access is allowed and possible.
-               logical = HTAnchor_address((HTAnchor*)anchor);
-               pathname = HTParse(logical, "",
-                                       PARSE_PATH + PARSE_PUNCTUATION);
-               if (!strcmp(pathname,"/")) {
-                   /*
-                   **  Root path.
-                   */
-                   StrAllocCopy (tail, "/foo/..");
-               } else {
-                   char *p = strrchr(pathname, '/');  /* find last slash */
-                   if (!p) {
-                       /*
-                       **  This probably should not happen,
-                       **  but be prepared if it does. - KW
-                       */
-                       StrAllocCopy (tail, "/foo/..");
-                   } else {
-                       /*
-                       **  Take slash off the beginning.
-                       */
-                       StrAllocCopy(tail, (p + 1));
-                   }
-               }
-               FREE(pathname);
-               if (UCLYhndl_HTFile_for_unspec >= 0) {
-                   HTAnchor_setUCInfoStage(anchor,
-                                           UCLYhndl_HTFile_for_unspec,
-                                           UCT_STAGE_PARSER,
-                                           UCT_SETBY_DEFAULT);
-               }
-               target = HTML_new(anchor, format_out, sink);
-               targetClass = *target->isa;     /* Copy routine entry points */
-               { int i;
-                       for (i = 0; i < HTML_A_ATTRIBUTES; i++)
-                               present[i] = (i == HTML_A_HREF);
-               }
-               /*
-               **  The need_parent_link flag will be set if an
-               **  "Up to <parent>" link was not created for a
-               **  readable parent in HTDirTitles() because
-               **  LONG_LIST is defined and NO_PARENT_DIR_REFERENCE
-               **  is not defined so that need we to create the
-               **  link via an LYListFmtParse() call. - FM
-               */
-               need_parent_link = HTDirTitles(target,
-                                              (HTAnchor *)anchor, FALSE);
-               if (strncmp(anchor->address, "lynxcgi:", 8)) {
-                   HTAnchor_setFormat((HTParentAnchor *) anchor, WWW_DIRED);
-                   lynx_edit_mode = TRUE;
-               }
-#endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */
-               if (HTDirReadme == HT_DIR_README_TOP)
-                   do_readme(target, localname);
-               {
-                   HTBTree * bt = HTBTree_new((HTComparer)strcmp);
-                   status = HT_LOADED; /* assume we don't get interrupted */
-                   while ((dirbuf = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
-                       /*
-                       **  While there are directory entries to be read...
-                       */
-                       char * dirname = NULL;
-#ifndef DOSPATH
-                       if (dirbuf->d_ino == 0)
-                           /*
-                           **  If the entry is not being used, skip it.
-                           */
-                           continue;
-                       /*
-                       **  Skip self, parent if handled in HTDirTitles()
-                       **  or if NO_PARENT_DIR_REFERENCE is not defined,
-                       **  and any dot files if no_dotfiles is set or
-                       **  show_dotfiles is not set. - FM
-                       */
-                       if (!strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, ".")   /* self   */ ||
-                           (!strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, "..") /* parent */ &&
-                            need_parent_link == FALSE) ||
-                           ((strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, "..")) &&
-                            (dirbuf->d_name[0] == '.' &&
-                             (no_dotfiles || !show_dotfiles))))
-                           continue;
-                       StrAllocCopy(tmpfilename, localname);
-                       if (strcmp(localname, "/"))
-                           /*
-                           **  If filename is not root directory.
-                           */
-                           StrAllocCat(tmpfilename, "/");
-                       StrAllocCat(tmpfilename, dirbuf->d_name);
-                       stat(tmpfilename, &file_info);
-                       if (S_ISDIR(file_info.st_mode))
-                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, "D%s",dirbuf->d_name);
-                       else
-                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, "F%s",dirbuf->d_name);
-                           /* D & F to have first directories, then files */
-                       {
-                           if (dir_list_style == MIXED_STYLE)
-                               HTSprintf0(&dirname, " %s/", dirbuf->d_name);
-                           else if (!strcmp(dirbuf->d_name, ".."))
-                               HTSprintf0(&dirname, "A%s", dirbuf->d_name);
-                           else
-                               HTSprintf0(&dirname, "D%s", dirbuf->d_name);
-                       }
-                       else if (dir_list_style == MIXED_STYLE)
-                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, " %s", dirbuf->d_name);
-                       else if (dir_list_style == FILES_FIRST)
-                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, "C%s", dirbuf->d_name);
-                           /* C & D to have first files, then directories */
-                       else
-                           HTSprintf0(&dirname, "F%s", dirbuf->d_name);
-#endif /* !DIRED_SUPPORT */
-                       /*
-                       **  Sort dirname in the tree bt.
-                       */
-                       HTBTree_add(bt, dirname);
-                   }
-                   /*
-                   **  Run through tree printing out in order.
-                   */
-                   {
-                       HTBTElement * next_element = HTBTree_next(bt,NULL);
-                           /* pick up the first element of the list */
-                       char state;
-                           /* I for initial (.. file),
-                              D for directory file,
-                              F for file */
-                       char test;
-#endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */
-                       state = 'I';
-                       while (next_element != NULL) {
-                           char *entry, *file_extra;
-                           if (HTCheckForInterrupt()) {
-                               _HTProgress ("Data transfer interrupted.");
-                               status = HT_PARTIAL_CONTENT;
-                               break;
-                           }
-                           StrAllocCopy(tmpfilename,localname);
-                           if (strcmp(localname, "/"))
-                               /*
-                               **  If filename is not root directory.
-                               */
-                               StrAllocCat(tmpfilename, "/");
-                           StrAllocCat(tmpfilename,
-                                       (char *)HTBTree_object(next_element)+1);
-                           /*
-                           **  Append the current entry's filename
-                           **  to the path.
-                           */
-                           HTSimplify(tmpfilename);
-                           /*
-                           **  Output the directory entry.
-                           */
-                           if (strcmp((char *)
-                                      (HTBTree_object(next_element)), "D..") &&
-                               strcmp((char *)
-                                      (HTBTree_object(next_element)), "A.."))
-                           {
-                               test = (*(char *)(HTBTree_object(next_element))
-                                       == 'D' ? 'D' : 'F');
-                               if (state != test) {
-#ifndef LONG_LIST
-                                   if (dir_list_style == FILES_FIRST) {
-                                      if (state == 'F')
-                                         END(HTML_DIR);
-                                   } else if (dir_list_style != MIXED_STYLE)
-                                      if (state == 'D')
-                                         END(HTML_DIR);
-#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
-                                   state =
-                                      (*(char *)(HTBTree_object(next_element))
-                                       == 'D' ? 'D' : 'F');
-                                   START(HTML_H2);
-                                   if (dir_list_style != MIXED_STYLE) {
-                                      START(HTML_EM);
-                                      PUTS(state == 'D'
-                                         ? LABEL_SUBDIRECTORIES
-                                         : LABEL_FILES);
-                                      END(HTML_EM);
-                                   }
-                                   END(HTML_H2);
-#ifndef LONG_LIST
-                                   START(HTML_DIR);
-#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
-                               }
-                               if (state != *(char *)(HTBTree_object(
-                                                        next_element))) {
-#ifndef LONG_LIST
-                                   if (state == 'D')
-                                       END(HTML_DIR);
-#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
-                                   state =
-                                     (*(char *)(HTBTree_object(next_element))
-                                      == 'D' ? 'D' : 'F');
-                                   START(HTML_H2);
-                                   START(HTML_EM);
-                                   PUTS(state == 'D'
-                                       ? LABEL_SUBDIRECTORIES
-                                       : LABEL_FILES);
-                                   END(HTML_EM);
-                                   END(HTML_H2);
-#ifndef LONG_LIST
-                                   START(HTML_DIR);
-#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
-                               }
-#endif /* DIRED_SUPPORT */
-#ifndef LONG_LIST
-                               START(HTML_LI);
-#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
-                           }
-                           entry = (char*)HTBTree_object(next_element)+1;
-                           file_extra = NULL;
-#ifdef LONG_LIST
-                           LYListFmtParse(list_format, tmpfilename, target,
-                               entry, tail);
-                           HTDirEntry(target, tail, entry);
-                           PUTS(entry);
-                           END(HTML_A);
-                           if (file_extra) {
-                               PUTS(file_extra);
-                               FREE(file_extra);
-                           }
-                           MAYBE_END(HTML_LI);
-#endif /* LONG_LIST */
-                           next_element = HTBTree_next(bt, next_element);
-                               /* pick up the next element of the list;
-                                if none, return NULL*/
-                       }
-                       if (status == HT_LOADED) {
-                           if (state == 'I') {
-                               START(HTML_P);
-                               PUTS("Empty Directory");
-                           }
-#ifndef LONG_LIST
-                           else
-                               END(HTML_DIR);
-#endif /* !LONG_LIST */
-                       }
-                   }
-                       /* end while directory entries left to read */
-                   closedir(dp);
-                   FREE(logical);
-                   FREE(tmpfilename);
-                   FREE(tail);
-                   HTBTreeAndObject_free(bt);

-                   if (status == HT_LOADED) {
-                       if (HTDirReadme == HT_DIR_README_BOTTOM)
-                           do_readme(target, localname);
-                       FREE_TARGET;
-                   } else {
-                       ABORT_TARGET;
-                   }
-                   FREE(localname);
-                   FREE(nodename);
-                   return status;      /* document loaded, maybe partial */
-               }
+               status = print_local_dir(dp, localname,
+                                        anchor, format_out, sink);
+               FREE(localname);
+               FREE(nodename);
+               return status;  /* document loaded, maybe partial */

-           } /* end if localname is directory */
+           } /* end if localname is a directory */

        } /* end if file stat worked */

diff -u -d old/htformat.c ./htformat.c
--- old/htformat.c      Wed Mar 31 00:43:48 1999
+++ ./htformat.c        Sat Apr  3 23:28:46 1999
@@ -478,11 +478,12 @@
 **     -------------------------------------------
 **   Repaint the page only when necessary.
+**   This is a traverse call for HText_pageDispaly() - it works!.
-PRIVATE void HTDisplayPartial NOARGS
+PUBLIC void HTDisplayPartial NOARGS
     if (display_partial) {
        **  HText_getNumOfLines() = "current" number of lines received
@@ -517,10 +518,10 @@
            HText_pageDisplay(Newline_partial, "");
+#else /* nothing */
+#endif  /* DISP_PARTIAL */
-#define HTDisplayPartial() /*nothing*/

 /*     Push data from a socket down a stream
 **     -------------------------------------

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