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lynx-dev lynx dev22 on VMS

From: newsmgr
Subject: lynx-dev lynx dev22 on VMS
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 17:00:25 +1000

 Recently Philip Webb : address@hidden wrote about a problem
>none of the Lynx volunteers had anything to say about this problem,
>despite the lengthy account offered.  VMS is not that well supported.

        A bit of a worry so I thought I might give the latest dev22 a compile,
there was not long to wait....

$ cc := cc/decc/prefix=all /nomember -
$ cc [-.Implementation]HTParse.c
$ cc [-.Implementation]HTAccess.c
$ cc [-.Implementation]HTTP.c
$ cc [-.Implementation]HTFile.c

PRIVATE int print_local_dir ARGS5(
%CC-E-NOTEXPECTING, Error parsing parameter list. 
Found "*" when expecting one of: ",", ")".
at line number 1475 in file [LYNX2-8-2.WWW.LIBRARY.IMPLEMENTATION]HTFILE.C;1

>From htfile.lis.....
          33209 PRIVATE int print_local_dir ARGS5(
%CC-E-NOTEXPECTING, (1) Error parsing parameter list. 
Found "*" when expecting one of: ",", ")".

          33210         DIR  *,                 dp,
          33211         char *,                 localname,
          33212         HTParentAnchor *,       anchor,
          33213         HTFormat,               format_out,
          33214         HTStream *,             sink)
          33215 {
          33216     HTStructured *target;       /* HTML object */
          33217     HTStructuredClass targetClass;
          33218     STRUCT_DIRENT * dirbuf;
          33219     char *logical = NULL;
%CC-E-BADSTMT, (1) Invalid statement.
    after this it got seriously confused...

(Alpha VMS 7.1, UCX 4.2, DECC 5.6, lynx2-8-2 13 Apr)

 *      *     *     *     *       Tony Bolton   
****  ****   **     **   **       TBolton 'at'
** **** **   *********   **       MANLY HYDRAULICS LABORATORY.
**  **  **   *********   **       110B King ST. Manly Vale 2093 Sydney AUSTRALIA

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