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lynx-dev Newbie question - Automating Lynx

From: Phil Laird
Subject: lynx-dev Newbie question - Automating Lynx
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 16:35:55 +1100

Hi All;

I've been trying to automate my access to our comapnies share price via the
 Smith Barney
Quotes Page using the command;

$ lynx -post_data -vikeys <
./QADI.txt > /tmp/QADI.out

When I do this I get the following reply from the server -

                                 Server Error

   This server has encountered an internal error which prevents it from
   fulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration.
   Please ask the administrator to look for messages in the server's
   error log.

If I enter the contents of QADI.txt (minus the ---) into the page things
are fine. I have
reviewed the archive but are still having difficulties. As I have been
trying for a couple
of weeks on and off and am thinking that I'm way off  in my method. If
someone could put
me on the right track I would be very grateful.


   Phillip Laird

<-------- snip  QADI.txt   ---------->
<----- end snip  ------------------->

<------- snip quote.html  ---------->

<H1>Stock and Mutual Fund Quotes</H1>
<p>Our stock and mutual fund search provides a quick way to get quotes or
delayed prices for the securities you select.</p>

<FONT SIZE="4"><B>Search By</B></FONT>
<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/cgi-bin/benchopen/quoteget">

<TD align=center><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="search_type" value=1
checked>ticker symbol</TD>
<TD align=center><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="search_type" value=3>name</TD>
<FONT>Enter one or more ticker symbols (separated by a space)<BR>or a
security name and click the "Get Quote" button.</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="search_string" MAXLENGTH=200 SIZE=40>
<INPUT TYPE="image" name="submit" SRC="/img/quote_b.gif" border=0
VALUE="Get Quote">&nbsp;
<INPUT TYPE="Reset">

<----- end snip  ------------------->

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