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Re: lynx-dev Re: Hello/LYNX

From: Henry Nelson
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Re: Hello/LYNX
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 10:48:35 +0900 (JST)

> > > because later versions of GNU gettext are _not_ stable (or compatible with
> there was some problem with using the latest).

If the gettext package is taken out from under the Lynx apron, there will 
be no problem.  The problems with the quoting or bracketing of includes,
the unnecessary includes, having to use GNU make, incompatibility with
Sun's implementation, are GNU gettext's problems, not Lynx's, IMO.

Furthermore, the GNU gettext package is quite easy to build and install
(including on Solaris), about on the order of building libz, and much
easier than other packages such as libncurses or libbind that a person
might want to use to link with when building Lynx.  The GNU gettext
package carries its own documentation on how to avoid conflicts with
a vendor's gettext version.  However, it is not so easy that a person
would want to install an outdated or inferior version.


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