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lynx-dev 2.8.3dev.2 patch 6 - DIV and LI

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: lynx-dev 2.8.3dev.2 patch 6 - DIV and LI
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 20:26:26 -0500 (CDT)

* In a list, render a <DIV> that doesn't have an ALIGN="center" or
  ALIGN="right" attribute like a <P> in that situation: break the line
  if necessary but don't create an empty line, an keep list indentation.
  This addresses Debian bug #21331.
* Other changes for DIV: it's a block element, so make sure its contents
  doesn't get rendered inline, even for nested DIVs that don't change
  text alignment.  Try to avoid improperly kept change of DIV styles'
  alignment by a <P> or </P> in its content.
* Make "treating H# in a list as an LH" work also for SortaSGML parsing,
  previously it only worked with TagSoup.


Index: lynx2-8-3/src/LYCharUtils.c
--- lynx2-8-3.old/src/LYCharUtils.c Mon, 21 Jun 1999 22:47:22 -0500
+++ lynx2-8-3/src/LYCharUtils.c Fri, 25 Jun 1999 12:59:20 -0500
@@ -3085,11 +3085,12 @@
 **  current paragraph and subsequent text when a P
 **  end tag is present or not in the markup. - FM
-PUBLIC void LYHandleP ARGS5(
+PUBLIC void LYHandlePlike ARGS6(
        HTStructured *,         me,
        CONST BOOL*,            present,
        CONST char **,          value,
        char **,                include GCC_UNUSED,
+       int,                    align_idx,
        BOOL,                   start)
     if (TRUE) {
@@ -3152,7 +3153,8 @@
        if (LYoverride_default_alignment(me)) {
            me->sp->style->alignment = 
-       } else if (me->List_Nesting_Level >= 0 ||
+       } else if ((me->List_Nesting_Level >= 0 &&
+                   strncmp(me->sp->style->name, "Div", 3)) ||
                   ((me->Division_Level < 0) &&
                    (!strcmp(me->sp->style->name, "Normal") ||
                     !strcmp(me->sp->style->name, "Preformatted")))) {
@@ -3162,19 +3164,18 @@
        if (start) {
-           if (present && present[HTML_P_ALIGN] && value[HTML_P_ALIGN]) {
-               if (!strcasecomp(value[HTML_P_ALIGN], "center") &&
+           if (present && present[align_idx] && value[align_idx]) {
+               if (!strcasecomp(value[align_idx], "center") &&
                    !(me->List_Nesting_Level >= 0 && !me->inP))
                    me->sp->style->alignment = HT_CENTER;
-               else if (!strcasecomp(value[HTML_P_ALIGN], "right") &&
+               else if (!strcasecomp(value[align_idx], "right") &&
                    !(me->List_Nesting_Level >= 0 && !me->inP))
                    me->sp->style->alignment = HT_RIGHT;
-               else if (!strcasecomp(value[HTML_P_ALIGN], "left") ||
-                        !strcasecomp(value[HTML_P_ALIGN], "justify"))
+               else if (!strcasecomp(value[align_idx], "left") ||
+                        !strcasecomp(value[align_idx], "justify"))
                    me->sp->style->alignment = HT_LEFT;
-           CHECK_ID(HTML_P_ID);
Index: lynx2-8-3/src/LYCharUtils.h
--- lynx2-8-3.old/src/LYCharUtils.h Thu, 03 Jun 1999 19:24:44 -0500
+++ lynx2-8-3/src/LYCharUtils.h Fri, 25 Jun 1999 01:35:44 -0500
@@ -63,11 +63,12 @@
        CONST BOOL*             present,
        CONST char **           value,
        char **                 include));
-extern void LYHandleP PARAMS((
+extern void LYHandlePlike PARAMS((
        HTStructured *          me,
        CONST BOOL*             present,
        CONST char **           value,
        char **                 include,
+       int                     align_idx,
        BOOL                    start));
 extern void LYHandleSELECT PARAMS((
        HTStructured *          me,
Index: lynx2-8-3/src/HTML.c
--- lynx2-8-3.old/src/HTML.c Mon, 21 Jun 1999 00:31:29 -0500
+++ lynx2-8-3/src/HTML.c Fri, 25 Jun 1999 17:34:20 -0500
@@ -1720,11 +1720,33 @@
                "HTML: ****** Maximum nesting of %d divisions exceeded!\n",
+       if (me->inP)
+           LYEnsureSingleSpace(me); /* always at least break line - kw */
        if (ElementNumber == HTML_CENTER) {
            me->DivisionAlignments[me->Division_Level] = HT_CENTER;
            change_paragraph_style(me, styles[HTML_DCENTER]);
            me->current_default_alignment = styles[HTML_DCENTER]->alignment;
+       } else if (me->List_Nesting_Level >= 0 &&
+                  !(present && present[HTML_DIV_ALIGN] &&
+                    value[HTML_DIV_ALIGN] &&
+                    (!strcasecomp(value[HTML_DIV_ALIGN], "center") ||
+                     !strcasecomp(value[HTML_DIV_ALIGN], "right")))) {
+           if (present && present[HTML_DIV_ALIGN])
+               me->current_default_alignment = HT_LEFT;
+           else if (me->Division_Level == 0)
+               me->current_default_alignment = HT_LEFT;
+           else if (me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_UL ||
+                    me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_OL ||
+                    me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_MENU ||
+                    me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_DIR ||
+                    me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_LI ||
+                    me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_LH ||
+                    me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_DD)
+               me->current_default_alignment = HT_LEFT;
+           LYHandlePlike(me, present, value, include, HTML_DIV_ALIGN, TRUE);
+           me->DivisionAlignments[me->Division_Level] =
+               me->current_default_alignment;
        } else if (present && present[HTML_DIV_ALIGN] &&
                   value[HTML_DIV_ALIGN] && *value[HTML_DIV_ALIGN]) {
            if (!strcasecomp(value[HTML_DIV_ALIGN], "center")) {
@@ -1779,7 +1801,8 @@
            (me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_UL ||
             me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_OL ||
             me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_MENU ||
-            me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_DIR)) {
+            me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_DIR ||
+            me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_LI)) {
            if (HTML_dtd.tags[HTML_LH].contents == SGML_EMPTY) {
                ElementNumber = HTML_LH;
            } else {
@@ -1844,7 +1867,8 @@
     case HTML_P:
-       LYHandleP(me, present, value, include, TRUE);
+       LYHandlePlike(me, present, value, include, HTML_P_ALIGN, TRUE);
+       CHECK_ID(HTML_P_ID);
     case HTML_BR:
@@ -2525,97 +2549,107 @@
        me->sp->style->alignment = HT_LEFT;
-       if (me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_OL) {
-           char number_string[20];
-           int counter, seqnum;
-           char seqtype;
-           counter = me->List_Nesting_Level < 11 ?
-                          me->List_Nesting_Level : 11;
-           if (present && present[HTML_LI_TYPE] && value[HTML_LI_TYPE]) {
-               if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == '1') {
-                   me->OL_Type[counter] = '1';
-               } else if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == 'A') {
-                   me->OL_Type[counter] = 'A';
-               } else if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == 'a') {
-                   me->OL_Type[counter] = 'a';
-               } else if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == 'I') {
-                   me->OL_Type[counter] = 'I';
-               } else if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == 'i') {
-                   me->OL_Type[counter] = 'i';
-               }
-           }
-           if (present && present[HTML_LI_VALUE] &&
-               ((value[HTML_LI_VALUE] != NULL) &&
-                (*value[HTML_LI_VALUE] != '\0')) &&
-               ((isdigit(*value[HTML_LI_VALUE])) ||
-                (*value[HTML_LI_VALUE] == '-' &&
-                 isdigit(*(value[HTML_LI_VALUE] + 1))))) {
-               seqnum = atoi(value[HTML_LI_VALUE]);
-               if (seqnum <= OL_VOID)
-                   seqnum = OL_VOID + 1;
-               seqtype = me->OL_Type[counter];
-               if (seqtype != '1' && seqnum < 1)
-                   seqnum = 1;
-               me->OL_Counter[counter] = seqnum + 1;
-           } else if (me->OL_Counter[counter] >= OL_VOID) {
-               seqnum = me->OL_Counter[counter]++;
-               seqtype = me->OL_Type[counter];
-               if (seqtype != '1' && seqnum < 1) {
-                   seqnum = 1;
-                   me->OL_Counter[counter] = seqnum + 1;
+       {
+           int surrounding_tag_number = me->sp[0].tag_number;
+           /*
+            *  No, a LI should never occur directly within another LI,
+            *  but this may result from incomplete error recovery.
+            *  So check one more surrounding level in this case. - kw
+            */
+           if (surrounding_tag_number == HTML_LI &&
+               me->sp < (me->stack + MAX_NESTING - 1))
+               surrounding_tag_number = me->sp[1].tag_number;
+           if (surrounding_tag_number == HTML_OL) {
+               char number_string[20];
+               int counter, seqnum;
+               char seqtype;
+               counter = me->List_Nesting_Level < 11 ?
+                   me->List_Nesting_Level : 11;
+               if (present && present[HTML_LI_TYPE] && value[HTML_LI_TYPE]) {
+                   if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == '1') {
+                       me->OL_Type[counter] = '1';
+                   } else if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == 'A') {
+                       me->OL_Type[counter] = 'A';
+                   } else if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == 'a') {
+                       me->OL_Type[counter] = 'a';
+                   } else if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == 'I') {
+                       me->OL_Type[counter] = 'I';
+                   } else if (*value[HTML_LI_TYPE] == 'i') {
+                       me->OL_Type[counter] = 'i';
+                   }
-           } else {
-               seqnum = me->Last_OL_Count + 1;
-               seqtype = me->Last_OL_Type;
-               for (i = (counter - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
-                   if (me->OL_Counter[i] > OL_VOID) {
-                       seqnum = me->OL_Counter[i]++;
-                       seqtype = me->OL_Type[i];
-                       i = 0;
+               if (present && present[HTML_LI_VALUE] &&
+                   ((value[HTML_LI_VALUE] != NULL) &&
+                    (*value[HTML_LI_VALUE] != '\0')) &&
+                   ((isdigit(*value[HTML_LI_VALUE])) ||
+                    (*value[HTML_LI_VALUE] == '-' &&
+                     isdigit(*(value[HTML_LI_VALUE] + 1))))) {
+                   seqnum = atoi(value[HTML_LI_VALUE]);
+                   if (seqnum <= OL_VOID)
+                       seqnum = OL_VOID + 1;
+                   seqtype = me->OL_Type[counter];
+                   if (seqtype != '1' && seqnum < 1)
+                       seqnum = 1;
+                   me->OL_Counter[counter] = seqnum + 1;
+               } else if (me->OL_Counter[counter] >= OL_VOID) {
+                   seqnum = me->OL_Counter[counter]++;
+                   seqtype = me->OL_Type[counter];
+                   if (seqtype != '1' && seqnum < 1) {
+                       seqnum = 1;
+                       me->OL_Counter[counter] = seqnum + 1;
+                   }
+               } else {
+                   seqnum = me->Last_OL_Count + 1;
+                   seqtype = me->Last_OL_Type;
+                   for (i = (counter - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
+                       if (me->OL_Counter[i] > OL_VOID) {
+                           seqnum = me->OL_Counter[i]++;
+                           seqtype = me->OL_Type[i];
+                           i = 0;
+                       }
-           }
-           if (seqtype == 'A') {
-               sprintf(number_string, LYUppercaseA_OL_String(seqnum));
-           } else if (seqtype == 'a') {
-               sprintf(number_string, LYLowercaseA_OL_String(seqnum));
-           } else if (seqtype == 'I') {
-               sprintf(number_string, LYUppercaseI_OL_String(seqnum));
-           } else if (seqtype == 'i') {
-               sprintf(number_string, LYLowercaseI_OL_String(seqnum));
-           } else {
-               sprintf(number_string, "%2d.", seqnum);
-           }
-           me->Last_OL_Count = seqnum;
-           me->Last_OL_Type = seqtype;
-           /*
-            *  Hack, because there is no append string!
-            */
-           for (i = 0; number_string[i] != '\0'; i++)
-               if (number_string[i] == ' ')
-                   HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
-               else
-                   HTML_put_character(me, number_string[i]);
+               if (seqtype == 'A') {
+                   sprintf(number_string, LYUppercaseA_OL_String(seqnum));
+               } else if (seqtype == 'a') {
+                   sprintf(number_string, LYLowercaseA_OL_String(seqnum));
+               } else if (seqtype == 'I') {
+                   sprintf(number_string, LYUppercaseI_OL_String(seqnum));
+               } else if (seqtype == 'i') {
+                   sprintf(number_string, LYLowercaseI_OL_String(seqnum));
+               } else {
+                   sprintf(number_string, "%2d.", seqnum);
+               }
+               me->Last_OL_Count = seqnum;
+               me->Last_OL_Type = seqtype;
+               /*
+                *      Hack, because there is no append string!
+                */
+               for (i = 0; number_string[i] != '\0'; i++)
+                   if (number_string[i] == ' ')
+                       HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
+                   else
+                       HTML_put_character(me, number_string[i]);
-           /*
-            *  Use HTML_put_character so that any other spaces
-            *  coming through will be collapsed.  We'll use
-            *  nbsp, so it won't break at the spacing character
-            *  if there are no spaces in the subsequent text up
-            *  to the right margin, but will declare it as a
-            *  normal space to ensure collapsing if a normal
-            *  space does immediately follow it. - FM
-            */
-           HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
-           HText_setLastChar(me->text, ' ');
-       } else if (me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_UL) {
-           /*
-            *  Hack, because there is no append string!
-            */
-           HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
-           HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
-           switch(me->List_Nesting_Level % 7) {
+               /*
+                *      Use HTML_put_character so that any other spaces
+                *      coming through will be collapsed.  We'll use
+                *      nbsp, so it won't break at the spacing character
+                *      if there are no spaces in the subsequent text up
+                *      to the right margin, but will declare it as a
+                *      normal space to ensure collapsing if a normal
+                *      space does immediately follow it. - FM
+                */
+               HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
+               HText_setLastChar(me->text, ' ');
+           } else if (surrounding_tag_number == HTML_UL) {
+               /*
+                *      Hack, because there is no append string!
+                */
+               HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
+               HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
+               switch(me->List_Nesting_Level % 7) {
                case 0:
                    HTML_put_character(me, '*');
@@ -2638,25 +2672,26 @@
                    HTML_put_character(me, '=');
+               }
+               /*
+                *      Keep using HTML_put_character so that any other
+                *      spaces coming through will be collapsed.  We use
+                *      nbsp, so we won't wrap at the spacing character
+                *      if there are no spaces in the subsequent text up
+                *      to the right margin, but will declare it as a
+                *      normal space to ensure collapsing if a normal
+                *      space does immediately follow it. - FM
+                */
+               HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
+               HText_setLastChar(me->text, ' ');
+           } else {
+               /*
+                *      Hack, because there is no append string!
+                */
+               HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
+               HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
+               HText_setLastChar(me->text, ' ');
-           /*
-            *  Keep using HTML_put_character so that any other
-            *  spaces coming through will be collapsed.  We use
-            *  nbsp, so we won't wrap at the spacing character
-            *  if there are no spaces in the subsequent text up
-            *  to the right margin, but will declare it as a
-            *  normal space to ensure collapsing if a normal
-            *  space does immediately follow it. - FM
-            */
-           HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
-           HText_setLastChar(me->text, ' ');
-       } else {
-           /*
-            *  Hack, because there is no append string!
-            */
-           HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
-           HTML_put_character(me, HT_NON_BREAK_SPACE);
-           HText_setLastChar(me->text, ' ');
        me->in_word = NO;
        me->inP = FALSE;
@@ -5696,7 +5731,8 @@
            (me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_UL ||
             me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_OL ||
             me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_MENU ||
-            me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_DIR) &&
+            me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_DIR ||
+            me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_LI) &&
            (element_number == HTML_H1 ||
             element_number == HTML_H2 ||
             element_number == HTML_H3 ||
@@ -5742,7 +5778,8 @@
            (me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_UL ||
             me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_OL ||
             me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_MENU ||
-            me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_DIR) &&
+            me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_DIR ||
+            me->sp[0].tag_number == HTML_LI) &&
            (element_number == HTML_H1 ||
             element_number == HTML_H2 ||
             element_number == HTML_H3 ||
@@ -5944,14 +5981,23 @@
     case HTML_DIV:
        if (me->Division_Level >= 0)
-       if (me->Division_Level >= 0)
-           me->sp->style->alignment =
+       if (me->Division_Level >= 0) {
+           if (me->sp->style->alignment !=
+               me->DivisionAlignments[me->Division_Level]) {
+               if (me->inP)
+                   LYEnsureSingleSpace(me);
+               me->sp->style->alignment =
+           }
+       }
        change_paragraph_style(me, me->sp->style);
+       if (me->style_change) {
+           actually_set_style(me);
+           if (me->List_Nesting_Level >= 0)
+               HText_NegateLineOne(me->text);
+       } else if (me->inP)
+           LYEnsureSingleSpace(me);
        me->current_default_alignment = me->sp->style->alignment;
-       if (me->List_Nesting_Level >= 0)
-           HText_NegateLineOne(me->text);
     case HTML_H1:                      /* header styles */
@@ -5988,9 +6034,9 @@
     case HTML_P:
-       LYHandleP(me,
+       LYHandlePlike(me,
                 (CONST BOOL*)0, (CONST char **)0,
-                include,
+                include, 0,

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