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Re: lynx-dev HTTP_PROXY in options screen, anyone?

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: Re: lynx-dev HTTP_PROXY in options screen, anyone?
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 1999 01:04:09 -0500 (CDT)

On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, brian j pardy wrote:

> Does anybody else out there more familiar than I with the options
> screen think it'd be possible to allow HTTP_PROXY to be set/unset
> interactively?
> It's a bit of a pain having to reload constantly when the squid
> network is being a hassle, and being able to just unset the proxy
> would be great.  
> A quick look through the code made it look like the proxy variables
> were handled strangely, so this may be a bit more trouble than it's
> worth.  

As far as I know, the *_proxy settings are always retrieved from
the environment where they are used, so you could implement changing
them with just setenv() or putenv() calls.  The environment would get out
of sync with what the LYNXCFG: page shows for *_proxy options, but
that's no worse than what currently happens for *_proxy set in the
environment before lynx starts.

Have you tried changing lynx.cfg and then following the LYNXCFG://reload/
link from the LYNXCFG:/ page?

Another possibility (since 2.8.3dev.1) would be to control proxying
via RULE[SFILE], instead of *_proxy variables.  Maybe the rules can
also be reloaded after editing them via LYNXCFG://reload/, but
I haven't tried that.  (I guess the new rules would get jsut appended
instead of replacing the old set.)


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