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lynx-dev Re: Lynx 2.8.3.dev5: some little (key) problems.

From: Frederic L. W. Meunier
Subject: lynx-dev Re: Lynx 2.8.3.dev5: some little (key) problems.
Date: Wed Aug 4 03:06:21 1999

Klaus Weide <address@hidden> wrote:
>> You're right. Two lines. But something is wrong...
>>H)elp O)ptions P)rint G)o M)ain screen Q)uit /=search [delete]=history list
>>                                                      |---------------------|
>Ok, there is a terminology problem.  What you (and I, usually) call the
>'delete key' is not what lynx means with [delete].

Thanks. But for me [delete] is the delete key hehe. Look at the problem. This 
option is only enabled in the Novice mode. It's a bit confusing.

>Now I don't know if and how these specific mismatches cause the specific
>behavior you report.  Since these things don't match, other keys likely
>also don't match, and your behavior may be cause by one of those other
>mismatches.  Besides, I lost track of which lynx version you are talking
>about (you didn't take care to remind me), and (a) <=2.8.3dev.3,
>(b) ==2.8.3dev.4, and (c) >=2.8.3dev.5 are three different cases that
>can be expected to behave differently in some situations.

Maybe. I have some problems with the delete and backspace keys at least. I'm 
using RedHat 5.1 and never changed the terminfo. I'm talking about Lynx 
2.8.3.dev5. I had the same problem with 2.8.3.dev4 and never used 2.8.3.dev3. 
It worked fine (delete and backspace) with 2.8.2.rel1 because I was using 

>> Oh, now I get ~ using the delete key with an rxvt and the backspace key act
>> as delete. It worked fine with my last rxvt (at least the delete key...).
>> It's not a problem with Lynx. I wasn't using the same rxvt with 2.8.2.rel1.

>Now you have me completely confused (as well as yourself it seems),
>about what you were/are comparing to what.  You have to keep better
>track of 'details' like this if you expect any useful help.

OK, I'm comparing what I got using the delete and backspace keys with:
An old rxvt (2.7.0 CVS) and 2.8.2.rel1
A recent rxvt 2.7.0 CVS and 2.8.3.dev4 and 5.
It seems that my new rxvt is broken. If I press the delete key I get "~" with a 
beep. With the old rxvt it worked. I don't changed anything nor in the 
configure options nor in my terminfo (alias, I never modified my terminfo). 
I'll try to make it work. Using Midnight Commander, in Options --> Learn keys 
and pressing the delete key works fine. I get delete OK. But saving the changes 
and pressing the delete key don't work. I don't think it's the user's fault. A 
lot of people have the same backspace/delete key and never touched their 
terminfo. I usually see this question: "Why my backspace key works like delete 
under X11?" And they have their Xmodmap configured for both keys.

Thanks for all informations and sorry. It's not a problem with Lynx!

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