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Re: lynx-dev lynxcgi and lynxexec problems

From: Paul Slootman
Subject: Re: lynx-dev lynxcgi and lynxexec problems
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 12:46:38 +0200

On Sun 08 Aug 1999, Philip Webb wrote:
> 990807 Klaus Weide commented:

> > old:
> >    # [...] any lynxexec
> >    # or lynxprog command will be permitted if it was referenced with a URL
> >                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >    # beginning with that string.
> > new:
> >    # [...] any lynxexec
> >    # or lynxprog command will be permitted if it was referenced from within
> >                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >    # a document whose URL begins with that string.

Yup, that's it. Adding TRUSTED_EXEC:lynxcgi:/ did it.
The old comment was indeed very misleading!

> > Yes, that's true.  The ultimate 'documentation' of those options
> > used to be, de facto, the collective wisdom of lynx-dev list...
> > lynxprog: and lynxexec: are mostly used in a menu system in freenet setups,
> > and the code originally came from those folks.
> > There aren't many of those left active on this list.
> this seems to be a piece of Lynx which dates back to the Age of Giants
> & which has been neglected since then & never properly documented.

It's a pity, I think, because everyone I mentioned lynxexec to had never
heard of it and agreed that it was a cool feature.

> 990806 Paul Slootman wrote:
> PS> I know how hard it is to write documentation!
> that's not the problem:
> documentation isn't difficult to write, if you know how.
> the problem with Lynx is that developers are programmers,
> whose interest stops once they have their code working,

Yeah, that's what I meant. It's hard to me to write documentation due to
the mental block against it :-)

> while any attempt by others to improve documentation
> tends to be greeted rather like a new translation of the Bible.

Hmm, that's unfortunate. Most other projects welcome any offers of
improved docs with open arms (I've written sizeable chunks for

I'll wait until I've played around with lynx a bit more (and have a
better felling for it ) before offering to contribute any docs,

Paul Slootman
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