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lynx-dev Re: lynx.cfg bloat (was various fixes)

From: Michael Warner
Subject: lynx-dev Re: lynx.cfg bloat (was various fixes)
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1999 22:46:30 -0700

On or about 19 Aug, 1999, Philip Webb
<address@hidden> wrote:


> a simple list of options + default values, with occasional subject-headings
> & a note at the top refering users to a separate help commentary,
> would be much less intimidating to those less expert than yourselves
> without being any the less comprehensible taken together.
> does anyone other than us four have thoughts on this subject?

I'm in the one-file-even-if-it's-big camp.  I can't edit
lynx.cfg without referring to the notes, and it's just a lot
more convenient to have them right there instead of finding the
right auxiliary file and splitting my editor screen and loading
the other file and finding the right spot and etc.  It's not a
big hassle, but convenience is good.  I'm not a lynx expert, but
there are people even less experienced than I who would likely
find it even more inconvenient.

Besides which, the more files there are, the less likely they all
are to stay in sync, up to date, and accurate, no?

I do think lynx.cfg might profitably be reorganized, and possibly
give the pretty source stuff, for instance, its own file ala lss
& cernrules.

I think "cryptic &/or confusing" is a lot higher on the
intimidation scale than sheer size.

Michael Warner

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