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Re: lynx-dev something wrong with LYNXKEYMAP

From: Henry Nelson
Subject: Re: lynx-dev something wrong with LYNXKEYMAP
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 20:31:15 +0900 (JST)

> 2.8.3dev.4* should get the actions as well as the descriptions right
> *without lynx.cfg KEYMAP tricks* (and without .lynx-keymaps tricks).
> If that is not the case, we should investigate further.  (I have an
> idea why something might be wrong, but am waiting for confirmation/

Report as best as I can do.  Lynx 2.8.3dev.12, compiled with gcc,
using slang-1.3.8, on Solaris2.6.

When my terminfo descriptions "ttpro" and "screen" contain the following:
                kich1=\E[1~, khome=\E[2~, kpp=\E[3~, 
                kdch1=\E[4~, kend=\E[5~, knp=\E[6~, 
and my termcap description "SC" contains the following:
the following "output" from the keys on the "6-key pad" is captured in
the file created by the command (csh shell) `cat > 6keypad` (with real
escape codes substituted with the ascii characters "^[").
When "screen" is NOT running:
                insert: ^[[1~  home: ^[[2~  pgup: ^[[3~
                delete: ^[[4~   end: ^[[5~  pgdn: ^[[6~
When "screen" IS running:
                insert: ^[[2~  home: ^[[1~  pgup: ^[[5~
                delete: ^[[3~   end: ^[[4~  pgdn: ^[[6~

There is no KEYMAP define in lynx.cfg, and to the best of my knowledge
there is no ".lynx-keymaps" file anywhere on my system.  My environment
variables determined by the command (csh shell) `setenv | grep TERM` are,
When "screen" is NOT running:
When "screen" IS running:
                TERMCAP=SC|screen|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\

When Lynx is run with the alias:
        $HOME/.usr/bin/lynx -cfg=$HOME/.lynx/lynx.cfg
the six-key pad works as expected, except for the key labeled "Delete,"
which yields the action "END go to the end of the current document."

When Lynx is run with the alias:
        /usr/local/bin/screen $HOME/.usr/bin/lynx -cfg=$HOME/.lynx/lynx.cfg
the six-key pad works as expected, except for the key labeled "PgUp,"
which yields the action "END go to the end of the current document."

> How many users are there who have such a non-standard situation AND
> no terminfo description for it?

Well, I sincerely hope there are enough that debugging this "non-standard
situation" will have been worth it.


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