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Re: lynx-dev problem with -post_data

From: Vieri Di_paola
Subject: Re: lynx-dev problem with -post_data
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 19:54:42 +0100 (CET)

On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Klaus Weide wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Vieri Di_paola wrote:
> > What do you mean by submitting a small example by hand?
> "Do whatever you did before to submit something with Lynx to the same
> service, when you typed in the data-to-be-submitted into an interactive
> form text area rather than taking it from a file."
> If that doesn't apply then nevermind.
> > Suppose my must be in x-www-form-urlencoded format, what does this
> > mean?

Yes, it is x-www-form-urlencoded.

> Write significant line ends as %13%10.
> Replace significant spaces by + or %20.
> Replace actual + characters (if any) by %2B.
> Replace actual % characters (if any) by %25.

I get the same error message except this time I "SEE" the characters
listed above. In other words:
PROGRAM+blastn%10 etc...

I don't want to insist too much on this for I found an alternative
solution (thanks to you - rep_client, remember?).


Vieri Di Paola

> And so on, if there are more characters that need escaping: use
> their ASCII hex values as above.
> > How should I post it?
> As before, presumably.
> > Are there any Lynx command line arguments that
> > I'm overlooking?
> I don't know of any.
> > Unfortunately I can't access the archives because my dumb university won't
> > allow me to go to "non-educational" sites (i.e. "non-university" sites).
> That's silly.
>    Klaus

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