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Re: lynx-dev something wrong with ftp directory listing?

From: Henry Nelson
Subject: Re: lynx-dev something wrong with ftp directory listing?
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 11:11:26 +0900 (JST)

> > If I use the Solaris2.6-bundled ftp to go to ""
> (then goto the long subdirectory name given below)
> > the `ls` command lists 8 *.tgz files under the ".../sets" directory,
> > while with Lynx I only see 4.
>                  ^whichone?
> > There are indeed 8 *.tgz files which can be down-loaded by straight ftp.
> > What's up?
> i don't know what's up where you are, but using 2-8-3dev.14 ,

Guess we need more info.  Using Lynx 2.8.3dev.16, gcc version,
slang-1.3.9.  Compile options appended.  Would trace output be helpful?


./configure --prefix=$HOME/.usr \
        --with-nls-datadir=$HOME/.usr/share --enable-nls \
        --disable-included-msgs --without-included-gettext \
        --with-screen=slang --enable-nsl-fork --with-zlib \
        --disable-partial --enable-gzip-help --enable-externs \
        --disable-menu-options --enable-internal-links \
        --enable-cgi-links \
        --disable-alt-bindings --disable-config-info \
        --disable-finger \
        --disable-persistent-cookies --enable-cjk

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