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lynx-dev THANX

From: Robert A Hopkins
Subject: lynx-dev THANX
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2000 17:37:54 -0500 (EST)

        After sooo much agravation & trepidition (for I am not "born to
the binary"), I am extremely pleased to announce myself the proud steward
af a brand-new shiny copy of LYNX. Many thanks to Doug Kaufman who
responded to my "it's Greek t'me" message.  Thanks also for your
suggestion to stick an "environment variable" in the shortcut to the batch
file. I don't know an environment variable from a cucumber but I wound up
sticking in a "localhost" URL to one of my own stash of HTML pages (to
work offline) and suddenly it go ZOT! and it worked! 
        Thanks also to whoever had the foresight to include a sample 
lynx.bat in the zip file. 
        I downloaded it from (This 
was my first manual (semi-manual, anyway) installation of anything.)

               *** *  * ***  * *             
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     * ** *   *  * ALY HOPKINS * ** *  * *  * ** * * 
   * * ** interplanetary illuminations * * * *** ** **
** ** * * *  *   * a specialty * ** * *   * *  * *  ** ** 
    ** * * * address@hidden * ** * **   * * **    
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